Question 2

Showing forms 31 to 60 of 230
Form ID: 568

The development of the East-West rail link is critical.

Form ID: 609

I think it all sounds very exciting. I am looking forward to having niche shops, bars, cafes and restaurants to want to visit. Online shopping will increase in popularity for everyday things, but as a fan of it myself I am also desperate to look at and buy lovely, different, tasty and innovative things that I can touch, smell or taste. As for green open spaces nearer urban areas, these will enable people to picnic and play and exercise and interact with others in the community and beyond.

Form ID: 612

Rural communities should not be expanded beyond the point where their character is damaged.

Form ID: 644

The draft vision covering the intention to make the town centre an increasingly community space where people want to linger is quite a tall order in light of the reducing number of retail outlets. I agree with the approach to enhance people living in the town as this will help to reduce the environment impact caused through transport providing the number of jobs available in the town can be maintained.

Form ID: 665

I think the vision does not take into context the current pandemic and the impact that will have on daily lives. The changing of the work environment and the impact it is having on town centres. I am not sure that the vision is attainable or realistic.

Form ID: 707

The vision does not mention roads - the need to ensure road capacity matches demand, and that undue pressure is not put on rural roads by excessive development that is not matched by infrastructure improvements

Form ID: 710

The vision does not mention roads - the need to ensure road capacity matches demand, and that undue pressure is not put on rural roads by excessive development that is not matched by infrastructure improvements

Form ID: 729

The vision itself seems quite comprehensive, perhaps a bit too detailed for a vision. Perhaps the Borough should consider having a shorter vision (normally a sentence or two), followed by key strategic planning objectives to support this vision, which in turns are supported by policies. Currently, there appears to be a gap between vision and objectives and how the objectives of the planning document will be achieved.

Form ID: 779

The Biddenham Society agrees with the Vision set out but believes there are direct conflicts between the outcomes set out in this and the objectives of housing, workplace and infrastructure development. For example, you refer to a greener and more attractive place to live and yet may plan to build on green areas surrounding many villages and areas of scenic beauty.

Form ID: 793

No major comments, however, one observation. There seems to be a reliance on neighbourhood plan groups to identify sites in rural parts of the Borough, this approach could be bolstered so that sustainable growth that supports local communities, services and facilities is not limited where take up of neighbourhood plans allocating sites is low particularly as neighbourhood planning is not mandatory. However, HDC are supportive of greater inclusion of neighbourhood planning and greater local participation on growth options and sustainable development.

Form ID: 824

Local planning post 2030 should preserve the character of Bedford Borough both rural and urban; whilst accommodating central government’s targets, for housing/accommodation increase, climate change measures to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050 and infrastructure developments already in the planning stage. This within the government’s recently published criteria of their three classifications of Growth, Renewal and Protection. • To limit carbon emissions and encourage rail travel, growth areas should be concentrated around the new planned railway stations, and within 1-mile walking distance from the station. • New builds should allow off road parking and charging points for electric vehicles. • Along with starter home provision in growth areas there should also be bungalow/single-story builds. The bungalow provision (though not popular with developers - lower profits) will allow down-sizing and release homes for families. • Villages apart from contributing greatly to the character of the borough are largely self-sustaining and hence less of a drain on resources. The Wilstead Good Neighbour Scheme for example. They should be classified under Protection and further development restricted. • Wildlife protection sites to be truly effective need to be surrounded by open fields or woodland and therefore need to be protected from adjacent development. The area surrounding them again classified as Protection. • Unless there is an unexpected revival of the ‘High Street’ which was in decline pre-covid19, the empty properties should be adapted to residential use. Infrastructure adapted to service these but retaining the architectural feel and character of the town centre. Classified as Renewal.

Form ID: 830

It’s essential that climate change is the top priority for the plan but this aim will always be in some tension wIth the need for development, whether housing or economic infrastructure. So what will be important will be getting a balance between these different objectives. Not sure what a ‘’multifunctional green space’ is? Is it a park with leisure and sport services, such as play areas, football pitches and cafés? Or something else?

Form ID: 854

The east-west rail link should go south of Bedford and link with the new railway station proposed at Wixams - which we were promised and still await delivery. This would provide a proper north-south and east-west hub. Development north of Bedford should not be considered until Wixams is fully complete. No housing development should take place until all extant Planning Permissions are fully built out to protect the rural communities. No new greenfield development should be allowed until all brownfield sites within the current envelopes of cities, towns and villages have been re-developed to meet current demands. If developers are sitting on brownfield land the council should use compulsory purchase orders to get the land into the system.

Form ID: 913


Form ID: 954

1. Need to ensure that effective policy measures are in place to deliver the vision, especially “Sustainable development and transport, the use of renewable energy technology, green infrastructure and new high quality green spaces in both urban and rural areas, will all contribute to reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint and securing a net-gain in biodiversity.” 2. River Great Ouse and River Valley Area – the River Great Ouse and the associated valley area throughout the Borough is the real “jewel in Bedford Borough’s crown” and yet the protection and enhancement of this hugely important environmental asset is completely overlooked in the draft Vision. This needs to be corrected. In biodiversity terms alone, the River Great Ouse and its valley area has the capacity to deliver very substantial gains, urgently needed at this time of catastrophic loss. Tree planting in the riverside & valley area could help us to achieve our carbon reduction targets, minimise flooding and improve water quality.

Form ID: 955

Clear and unequivocal commitment to specific carbon reduction targets

Form ID: 982

Staploe Parish Council would like you to include a vision for high speed broadband to be available to 100% of properties including existing ones within the next 5 years.

Form ID: 996

Staploe Parish Council would like you to include a vision for high speed broadband to be available to 100% of properties including existing ones within the next 5 years.

Form ID: 1015


Form ID: 1028

I question the need for the East-West Rail link, given the change in working and leisure patterns arising from covid-19. Further feasibility work should be done to re-affirm the need for the project.

Form ID: 1047

Nothing to add

Form ID: 1064

I fully endorse and support the Council's visions regarding the protection of existing and creating of new green spaces within the Borough. I am pleased to see that the countryside is viewed by the Council as part of the Borough's "intrinsic character and beauty" and would like to emphasis the importance of the vision as set out that locally important green spaces and valued local landscapes will be protected and enjoyed by all. Recent events have shown the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle and many local residents have taken to gentle exercise in the surrounding green spaces in the Borough. It is vitally important that access to local open space and facilities which enable public access are promoted and protected in the strongest ways possible and that development on such areas in either the rural or urban communities is not allowed and that the Local Plan clearly sets this out so that there can be no doubt to any developers who may be seeking to build on these important spaces.

Form ID: 1083

The vision is a positive statement and I particularly support the following items: • The green agenda – the vision should embrace zero carbon housing development, electric cars with electric charging points and high speed broadband for all properties in the borough. Sustainable transport (especially walking and cycling) is key to this agenda so locations for development that provide this are critical. • Maintaining and developing Bedford town centre. • It is essential to recognise and safeguard the borough’s countryside, its intrinsic character, valued local landscapes and tranquil retreats. Any development in such areas must be sensitive to these key aspects of the borough. • The Bedford to Milton Keynes Waterway is an ideal way to increase blue-green space and healthy living for new developments and it will bring business and tourism directly into Bedford town centre.

Form ID: 1100

The building plan focuses on the North of the county and yet there are no east west routes between the A428 and the A45, For many North Beds villages that are bounded a river and a flood plain access to roads north and south is difficult and yet there is no mention of this in the document. an example is the recent fire at Twinwoods which caused complete grid lock in North Beds because the road network is at capacity some appliances were delayed on their way to the fire. I cannot imagine how much worse conjestion will be by building the 20,000 houses in North Beds it will just make the conjestion worse. The building program completely contradicts the objectives in the boroughs statement, and none of the boroughs objectives are in line with the governments stated policy of environmental sustainability

Form ID: 1113

This will cause too much overspill into St Neots area.

Form ID: 1117

How about forcing large house building firms to start devloping their existing land banks with planning before releasing more green spaces for development. Perhaps threatening to remove any existing planning thats longer than two years old!

Form ID: 1132

The draft vision is unacceptable and has not been given consideration to local populations or infrastructure for growth.

Form ID: 1136

Due to COVID-19 Bedford Borough Council are unable to hold the usual public consultation sessions. The use of online information and submissions prevents those in society unable to use these methods from being able to participate in the process. The process is therefore unfair and undemocratic. It should be postponed until all in the community can take part and have their say. • Due to COVID-19 Staploe Parish Council are unable to hold the usual public consultation sessions. The use of online meetings prevents those in society unable to use these methods from being able to participate in the process. The process is therefore unfair and undemocratic

Form ID: 1137

Due to COVID-19 Bedford Borough Council are unable to hold the usual public consultation sessions. The use of online information and submissions prevents those in society unable to use these methods from being able to participate in the process. The process is therefore unfair and undemocratic. It should be postponed until all in the community can take part and have their say. • Due to COVID-19 Staploe Parish Council are unable to hold the usual public consultation sessions. The use of online meetings prevents those in society unable to use these methods from being able to participate in the process. The process is therefore unfair and undemocratic.

Form ID: 1162

The vision is a bit vague. I'd like to see focus on community infrastructure. In light of the Covid pandemic the working from home trend will continue. I think it would be useful to see distinct communities rather than faceless housing estates that are currently built such as in Wootton. This includes having community green spaces, local shops and services, doctors etc. A strong vision says something like everyone will have access within walking distance to a green place. I don't want Bedford to be a place that is basically a commuter hotspot to London. I'd also like to see sustainable ways to travel between settlements and the town centre explicitly outlined. Yes, we have a train link to Cambridge, but if you have to drive to get to the station this makes it less sustainable. I'd rather see the local area like Milton Keynes where you can travel between communities by bike. I'd like to see a pledge about sustainable forms of transport such as cycles, e-scooters etc. The Marston Vale Forest Centre is already over flowing on weekends, and you can't walk around without getting run over by a bike every 5 mins. The Forest centre is always touted as an ideal green space in these plans yet most people have to drive to get there. If this place is so great, why not make an explicit pledge to create more, so it is not the only one and everyone has an opportunity to use a place like this? There is no mention of affordable housing. Most of the housing developments in Bedford are large 3/4 bedrooms and up.