Question 10

Showing forms 1 to 30 of 176
Form ID: 12

There is a need to consider the locality, so as an example there are requirements within the NPPF about density, however developments of those density will not be suitable for rural areas, and may change the character of the area completely, thus destroying it

Form ID: 29

Building standards should be higher in the borough as lower cost of existing housing should be used to accommodate this higher specification

Form ID: 52

If you go beyond national standards surely it will encourage people to the area? Find something that costs very little that adds above the standards but adds value to someones life. You do that and people are more likely to come here surely?

Form ID: 67

Housing should take into account the character of an area, and of course any NDP's in place

Form ID: 85


Form ID: 106


Form ID: 111

Probably. I don't trust the government to do the right thing (in any area of policy).

Form ID: 125

British houses are the smallest in Europe and few people have enough places to store basic home items. As land is expensive, why not build large cellars under all houses for their storage (these don't have to have windows) as well as a standard 3rd storey and also easily accessible lofts (not tiny priest holes).

Form ID: 136

We are not a leading town for recycling

Form ID: 148

It depends on what the national standards are. If they're as weak as I think they are then yes, we need to lead the way with innovative & forward thinking solutions.

Form ID: 180

Natural ventilation is really important. I think many modern houses don't have enough of it. A mixture of open plan and compartmentalised spaces. Provision of space and resources for architects to construct models and test prototypes which they may amend where necessary. Material testing facilities. Weigh bridges.

Form ID: 192


Form ID: 203

When implementing new house-building standards the locality of new buildings may mean additional standards need to be considered, eg if building in a rural location then the look and feel of new buildings should merge in rather than stand out. Any new buildings should be built to the highest environmental standards bearing in mind possible shortages of water and power in the future.

Form ID: 207

All dwellings should be built to Accessible and Adaptable standard, not only does it enable individuals to stay in their home for longer if not for the full lifetime, it is also of economic benefit to the council and health systems. It enhances Health and Wellbeing but also in reducing the cost of adaptions if necessary. The quantity of wheelchair user dwellings should be dependent on the studies mentioned within the report itself.

Form ID: 223


Form ID: 248

If you tell me what the national standards are in layman's terms I might be able to respond.

Form ID: 299

Will wait to see what these are before making a comment.

Form ID: 311


Form ID: 338

The recent pandemic has proved government guidelines are not enough and will only be adhered to just about if it suits that specific need. Putting more robust regulations in locally an enforcing they are surpassed and not just met or near enough kept to is the only way to implement them. Governments are short term and guidelines are suitably changed for the benefit of one to the next. Long term enforcement and protection of policies should be in place.

Form ID: 361

Where is our aspiration? Why do we adopt min standards? Scandinavian countries have much better standards, the architecture profession are well aware of what can be done - where is our aspiration to have the most efficient housing stock in Europe? Lets have some diversity of design, but with real efficiency. is there any local evidence - Grand Designs. I know its not local but there are HUF houses locally, self build projects locally that are significantly more efficient than the endless boxes created by developers. Again we are losing the personalities of our towns through housing homogeneity, lack of retail imagination and lack of ambition.

Form ID: 380


Form ID: 393

As above, we should aim to make Bedford a world-leader in sustainable development. People should come here to find out how to improve their own towns and cities. This would allow Bedford to develop a degree of expertise that could support industry and encourage people to be here as a better place to live.

Form ID: 548

Better quality overall is needed and compulsory "blown fibre" into every new home built.

Form ID: 561

Not that I am aware

Form ID: 575

It will depend upon the Government changes but in principle no.

Form ID: 594

Flood mitigation is a problem in areas of Bedford so BBC should be rigorous here.

Form ID: 620

The Borough itself should set a standard above the minimum national standard.

Form ID: 628

Make designs of developments such that people use the parking spaces provided rather than park on the road. I live in Great Denham and can see all the amazing spaces for parking that have been built into the design behind houses, apartments that homeowners/renters rarely use. Maybe more allotments, more grants for small businesses to get a wind turbine or solar panelling

Form ID: 650


Form ID: 673

Just to ensure we are being eco friendly and insuring building regs are relevant to the areas of the build. We have seen in our village urban regulation being used in a rural area. There needs to be clear lines on what constitutes rural and urban.