
Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 9013

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Bedfordia Developments Ltd and Bedfordshire Charitable Trust Ltd

Agent: DLP Planning Limited

Representation Summary:

Firstly, the site assessment noted that the agricultural land classification of the site is not
known or it not clear whether it is classified as grade 3a or 3b. However, the site in isolation
would provide for smaller-scale development well-related to existing built development,
where the impact on the supply of best of most versatile agricultural land should not be seen
as significant in the context of overall development needs.

Similarly, to site ID 932, the site assessment found that the site has potential to cause
highway and congestion issues, however, initial transport assessments dictate that a suitable
and safe vehicular access to the development area could be delivered in principle. This would
likewise be achieved as part of provision of a new distributor road within Site A, enabling a
traffic calming and an improvement on the existing highways arrangement on Odell Road.
The proposed arrangement provides significant potential to improve existing pressure on the
highway network associated with Sharnbrook Academy and the School Approach
roundabout. The indicative Masterplan also includes provision of a drop-off facility for
Sharnbrook Academy in order to relieve existing pressure associated with car parking and
access to buses via School Approach.

Any noise impacts from Santa Pod would be capable of appropriate mitigation. However, our
client notes that the Stoneyfields site falls outside of the contours for areas most likely to be
impacted by the raceway and sits on lower-lying land than the majority of the built settlement.

In relation to the potential presence of protected species on site our client confirms that a
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) has been undertaken. This report indicates positive
findings in terms of the suitability of the site for development, subject to further survey
requirements that will be undertaken and reported during relevant seasonal periods, taking
full account of the existing biodiversity evidence base. This takes account of the distance
between the School Approach site and the predominantly aquatic habitat within the
Felmersham Gravel Pits SSSI, significantly reducing the potential impacts upon protected

The site assessment pro-forma findings (which are identical across most site options) take
no account of the significant distance between the site and any designated heritage asset
(including Sharnbrook Conservation Area) with the land located immediately west of recent new-build development.
Suggested Alternative Site Assessment Finding

Given the findings of the assessment, the allocated appears to be suitable for development,
ensuring that the appropriate tests are conducted in terms of highways, ecology, noise, and