
Plan for submission evidence base

Representation ID: 9904

Received: 29/07/2022

Respondent: Hollins Strategic Land

Agent: Emery Planning

Representation Summary:

6. Land west of Hall End Road, Wootton (Site ID 371)
6.1 We set out below an overview of the site HSL are promoting for residential development in Wootton for up to 81 homes, however a reduced scale of development could be considered if necessary.

Site Location and Description
6.2 The site is generally rectangular shape, on the edge of the western built-up area of Wootton, which lies south west of Bedford. The site, as identified by the red line boundary, covers approximately 6.5 hectares (ha) or 16 acres.

6.3 The northern edge of the site is defined by Hall End Road (also National Cycle Route 51) and the John Bunyan Trail. There is a field access gate to the northeast corner of the site. From this direction, the settlement of Wootton has recently been expanded towards the site with the construction of 58 dwellings (Ref: 14/02939/MAF) (Allocation AD2) and is a prominent feature. An allocation for a school extension is also located north east of the site on the opposite side of Hall End Road and is yet to be implemented and extends the settlement edge outwards towards the site.
6.4 The eastern boundary runs alongside an unnamed road that provides access to Wootton Upper School and commercial/ farm premises. The southern boundary is contiguous with Wootton Wood, an area of ancient and semi-natural woodland. The western boundary is shared with an adjacent field, laid to pasture. These boundaries are all formed from native hedgerow with a combination of post and rail or post and wire fencing within.

Sustainable and Suitable Location

6.5 The village centre of Wootton is located approximately 900 metres to the east of the site. The village benefits from many amenities including local convenience stores, pubs and restaurants, several churches, a petrol station, pharmacy, public library and football club. The wider parts of the village contain community services such as the village hall, memorial hall, play areas, skate park and tennis courts.
6.6 In terms of transport links, bus services serve Wootton and can be accessed within a short walk of the site. These services provide regular daily services to destinations such as Bedford, Milton Keynes and other local villages, providing residents with the opportunity to access a wide range of employment, shopping, leisure and cultural opportunities without having to rely upon the private car. The site location therefore would accord with NPPF §110.
6.7 The Environment Agency Flood Maps show the site lies entirely within Flood Zone 1 indicating it has a low probability of flooding and is suitable for residential uses.
6.8 Wootton has a historic character, with buildings and monuments dating from as early as the 14th Century. Wootton Church End Conservation Area is located approximately 250 metres to the east of the appraisal site and encompasses the Grade I listed Church of St. Mary and several other listed buildings. These heritage assets are separated from the site by Wootton Upper School and so development of the site would not have a negative impact upon their setting. The westernmost part of the site is within an Archaeological Interest Site. The LPA also agreed in the committee report that there is no heritage issue.

The Proposed Development
6.9 This proposal submitted to the LPA sought outline planning permission for the construction of up to 81 dwellings with access. The final layout, scale, landscaping and appearance would be the subject of a reserved matters application. The proposed illustrative site layout and Design and Access Statement submitted with the application shows how the dwellings could be comfortably accommodated on the site along with open space and the conserved and managed meadow.
These are enclosed as Appendix EP1.
6.10 All of the proposed dwellings within the site would be served by a single access road which would be taken from Hall End Road. The main internal access road is shown and the precise details would form part of the reserved matters application. Pedestrian and cycle connectivity can be explored at the reserved matters stage.
6.11 The TA states that the proposed site is situated approximately 950m west of Wootton village centre, and coupled with the site’s proximity to frequently serviced bus stops, cycle routes and viability to access the nearest rail station, accessibility from the site is considered to be of a good standard with opportunities to promote sustainable travel from the site. A Travel Plan was also submitted with the application to help promote more sustainable choices of travel.
6.12 We note the highways comments in the HELAA which state:
“The site is a Greenfield site and located in the village of Wootton approximately 6 miles south-west of Bedford town centre. The sites proposed access is along Hall End Road and is reportedly considered acceptable by BBC highways through application 19/00894/MAO. There is moderate traffic congestion along Hall End Road and the development could worsen this. The nearest bus stop is located 550m away on Cause End Road. Acceptable footway is located on the opposite side of Hall End Road and it is also considered a bicycle friendly route. Provide crossing to the footway on the opposite side of Hall End Road. A Transport Assessment would be required to assess the impact of this scale of development on the local highway network”.
6.13 As we examine in the next section, whilst highways was a reason for refusal at the application stage, contrary to the advice of the highway authority, the Inspector found no highway issue.
6.14 With regard to the Site assessment conclusions, the HELAA states:
“The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.”
6.15 We have addressed this matter under Policy DS5(S).
6.16 I note that some local residents questioned the need for more housing in the village and suggested that Wootton has ‘reached the limit’. However, the housing figure is based on the Housing Needs Survey (2017) and NPPF section 5 confirms that it is the Government’s objective to significantly boost the supply of homes. Paragraph 11 of the NPPF confirms that a sustainable pattern of development should be promoted. I consider that the wide range of community facilities and services that are available in Wootton contribute significantly to its credentials as a sustainable location for development.

The Application and Appeal
6.17 Following their consideration of the proposal, the professional officers of the Council concluded that planning permission should be granted and recommended this to the planning committee on 28th October 2019. The application was deferred for a site visit and it was considered again on the 25th November. The members of the Planning Committee voted to refuse the application solely on highway grounds contrary to the advice of the planning and highway officers.
6.18 The committee report sets out the detailed 22 planning considerations that were examined and the planning officer was informed by statutory and non-statutory consultees and other consultation letters during the determination period with the conclusion that permission should be granted.
6.19 An appeal was submitted and determined. However, following a High Court challenge the Inspector’s decision on the appeal dated 15 September 2020 was quashed. The proposal has the following benefits:
• the delivery of open market housing to assist in boosting the supply of housing in Bedford and can meet the a locally-arising need identified in the evidence base for the WNP as well as borough housing needs;
• delivery of a medium sized site by HSL who have a proven track record of delivery which would accord with the clear objective of the Government in paragraph 69 of
the Framework.
• the development accords with the spatial strategy as expressed in Policy 3S of the Local Plan which identifies Wootton as a Key Service Centre which can accommodate strategic residential development in a sustainable location.
• the proposed development helps to meet the objectives set out in the Bedford Green Infrastructure Plan (2009) and the provision of open space to meet the needs of existing and proposed residents and maintain a Green Corridor as required by saved policy AD24.
• residential development at the site through the proposed scheme will result in an improvement to the biodiversity value of the site and the net gain benefits to be achieved and secured by the scheme outweigh the estimated loss of c. 3.1 hectares of the neutral grassland at the CWS to achieve compliance with the paragraph 180(c) of the Framework.
• the delivery of 30% affordable housing accords with Policy CP8 and would assist in addressing the very significant and persistent shortfall in affordable housing delivery. There is a significant shortfall of affordable homes since 2003 and there is a significant need going forward. There is also an identified need for 24 affordable homes in Wootton as set out in the Housing Needs Survey.
• highway works that will improve highway safety; and;
• a range of social and economic benefits and increase spending for local services and facilities.
6.20 In the Site Assessment Pro-Formas June 2021 the subject site is Site ID 371. However, the assessment does not take account of the Officers Report to committee for the application and HSL sent an email to the LPA on 2nd August 2021 setting out our comments which were noted in an email dated 11th August 2021.
6.21 Our position is that the site can be delivered in full in the first five years of the plan period. This is because the land is controlled by HSL, an experienced land promotion company complete with its own housebuilding division. The site is controlled by a willing landowner, and there are no legal or ownership issues that would prevent development. The Council can proceed in the confidence that the site is deliverable, is sustainable overall as confirmed by the application officer’s report and should be allocated on that basis.