Site ID: 602

Showing comments and forms 1 to 2 of 2


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 5433

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Lynn Tippett-Wilson

Representation Summary:

We have ancient woodlands that are essential to the natural world, including rare species, in this area. Any offsetting would be pointless as it take upwards of 140 years for any site to be as good as it currently is - and the offsetting site may not even be in Renhold. Further Renhold does not have the infrastructure in place to support an additional 100 dwellings at this site, this includes roads, schools, water supply, internet and sewage.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8499

Received: 27/09/2021

Respondent: Gladman Developments Ltd

Representation Summary:

Gladman are promoting the following sites for consideration as housing allocations through the  Local  Plan  2040.   Each  of  the  sites  is  sustainably  located  adjacent  to  the  existing  settlement form with the potential to be brought forward for residential development within  0‐5  years.   The  following  locations  were  submitted  during  last  year’s  Issues  and  Options consultation and represent suitable, available and achievable sites that can contribute towards the sustainable delivery of housing against the borough’s growth needs during the plan period.
Noting the initial site assessment work that has been undertaken, these further submissions take  note  of  where  the  Council  has  indicated  that  there  is  uncertain  or  insufficient  information in order to support their further assessment as the plan making process continues.
and off Hookhams Lane, Renhold (ID: 602)
Gladman  are  promoting  Land  off  Hookhams  Lane,  Salph  End,  Renhold  for  residential  development. The site promoted by Gladman measures approximately 5.93 hectares in size and can accommodate up to 110 dwellings. A location plan for the land being promoted is included below.
Gladman  are  in  discussions  with  the  adjacent  landowners  to  the  west,  represented  by  Phillips Planning Services, regarding the potential to bring forward both parcels as a comprehensive scheme. This additional parcel measures 1.18 ha and is capable of delivering up to 30 dwellings. We are in the process of preparing a Vision brochure demonstrating how both sites could be brought forward together in a sustainable location close to the Bedford Urban Area.
Access is proposed to be taken from Hookhams Lane, this point of access was deemed to be acceptable in a previously refused application on the parcel to the west in October 2020 (Reference: 19/02194/MAO).
The parcel that Gladman are promoting is in agricultural use, with the site sloping gently from the west, with Renhold Brook forming the eastern site boundary. This will be a key part of the proposals, providing a recreational route within the proposals but also access to the wider countryside. This would also help in ensuring development is kept out of area of flood risk on this boundary.
Salph End is a village on the edge of the Bedford Urban Area, benefitting from not only a local service provision within Salph End and Renhold but also further afield in the Bedford Urban Area itself.
The site is within safe walking and cycling distance with good footpath links to a number of key  services  and  facilities  with  a  semi‐regular  bus  service  also  available  from  Hookhams  Lane to allow a number of journeys to be completed using non‐car modes of transport.
Gladman has considered Bedford Borough’s initial assessment of site 602 at Renhold, as well as adjacent land at site 680. Please find information below to aid in further assessment.
Landscape Character
The site comprises a mixture of grassland and scrub in the northwest parcel and paddock in the south west. The easten parcel comprises agricultural land. The site slopes gently from the west to Renhold brook on the eastern boundary. It is envisaged that the brook can from a key part of proposals ensuring enhancement to the Public Right of Way with improved linkages  to  the  wider  network,  a  key  aim  of  saved  local  plan  policy  AD24.  Taking  into  account the site conditions, site visibility and the nature of the development proposals assessed,  it  is  felt  that  the  site  could  be  developed  without  causing  significant  or  unacceptable harm to the landscape or result in an unacceptable visual impact.
Biodiversity, Green Open Space & Local Wildlife:
The  site  will  be  enhanced  through  an  attractive  landscaping  scheme  which  includes  extensive planting of trees and hedgerows both within the development, and along the boundaries. The proposal includes the provision of open space and play space within the site.  Biodiversity  will  be  enhanced  through  the  provision  of  a  2m  wide  wildlife  corridor.   Gladman have undertaken preliminary ecological appraisal work at the site and can address the observations made in the Council’s initial site assessment work as follows:
- Whether the site is within or adjoining a site of nature conservation. The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation.
- Whether the site is within an area where protected species are known or likely to exist.
The  site  is  within  an  area  where  protected  species  are  known  or  likely  to  exist. However, with the implementation of some straightforward mitigation and precautionary measures as proposed above, the development is not anticipated to result in any significant residual negative effects to important ecological features.
- Is there potential to achieve a net gain in biodiversity.
The site is dominated by arable habitat comprising a Pea monocrop, indicating that the proposed development is unlikely to result in significant adverse effects to ecological receptors. Furthermore, the retention and enhancement of current and new habitats/landscaping, open space and/or sustainable drainage features are likely to be capable of delivering Biodiversity Net Gain on‐site.
- Able to link into the green infrastructure opportunity network.
The  site  currently  lies  outside  the  green  infrastructure  network  as  defined  by  the Bedford Green Infrastructure Plan (2009). It is however well located in relation to the public rights of way network (via route 12), which provides access by foot to a wide range of green infrastructure resources in the wider area. A Development Framework Plan for the site will be designed to retain, enhance and compensate all habitats of principal importance. Enhancement to species rich hedgerows, the retention and enhancement of the semi‐improved grassland and the areas of green space around the site, will be positioned to extend the current network of linked habitat and maintain a significant biodiverse corridor to the wider area. This will serve to meet local BAP targets. It is deemed that with the implementation of some straightforward mitigation and precautionary measures, the development is not anticipated to result in any significant residual negative effects to important ecological features. A considered Development Framework Plan can deliver significant ecological mitigation and enhancements through the retention of linear features and the incorporation of species diverse grassland, SUDS features and tree planting.
Flooding and Drainage
Development  will  be  kept  away  from  the  eastern  boundary  along  the  Renhold  Brook  corridor to ensure that areas at risk of flooding are avoided. An attenuation basin will be included within the site as part of the drainage strategy.
Archaeology and Heritage:
The Heritage England Map identifies that there are no heritage assets on or near to the site. Investigations to inform a previous application on adjacent land (site 680) concluded that there is a potential for an impact on archaeological remains, but this could be dealt with at planning application stage through condition. The same is expected to apply to site 602.
The site can be safely suitably accessed from a new priority junction off Hookhams Lane. As referred  to  above,  when  considering  the  previous  application  on  part  of  the  wider  site  (Reference: 19/02194/MAO) access was considered to be acceptable. No significant impacts from the development on the transport network in terms of capacity, congestion, and  highway  safety  were  raised  and  it  is  expected  the  same  would  be  the  case  when  accessing the wider land. Gladman would enact a travel plan that follows guidance from Bedford  Borough  and  consultants  in  order  to  ensure  increased  usage  of  sustainable  transport methods; this may include footpath widening, provision of or linkage to the cycle network, and contributions to increase the bus service on line 27, if deemed necessary.
