Site ID: 930

Showing comments and forms 31 to 54 of 54


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6636

Received: 14/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Mark Potts

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6779

Received: 14/09/2021

Respondent: Ms S Kelly

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6831

Received: 15/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Damian Smith

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6919

Received: 15/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Tina Mills

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7099

Received: 09/09/2021

Respondent: June Coles

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2a (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7146

Received: 09/09/2021

Respondent: Stephen Coles

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2a (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7226

Received: 17/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Knight

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7266

Received: 01/09/2021

Respondent: Miss Laura Jones

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7326

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Miss Becky Browning

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7346

Received: 19/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Ross Thomson

Representation Summary:

he land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.

The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.

When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.

It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.

In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.

The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.

A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.

The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.

Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.

The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.

Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7383

Received: 02/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Simon Goodship

Representation Summary:

When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7427

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Thakeham

Representation Summary:

Site 930 – Land to the West of A1, Duloe
The site was put forward with the potential to support 450 new residential dwellings in close proximity to Eaton Socon and A1 motorway.
2a. Within or adjoining site of nature conservation importance
It is acknowledged that the site sits within a SSSI impact risk zone. However, there are a number of physical barriers between the SSSI and this site, including the A1 motorway, the River Great Ouse, and housing at Crosshall, which is of a similar density proposed on this site. Accordingly, the provision of housing in this location would be of minimal risk to the SSSI.
2c. Potentially able to achieve a net gain in biodiversity?
Although no information was provided within the Call for Sites submission, we can confirm that at Thakeham we seek to deliver 20% biodiversity net gain across all our sites, and this site would be no different. Biodiversity and environmental improvements are key components of Thakeham’s place-making approach.
3a. Proposing a renewable energy scheme or extra energy efficiency standards?
Although the call for sites form did not include a specific answer, we can confirm that all Thakeham houses delivered on this site will be carbon neutral in production and zero carbon in lifetime use. PV panels will also be included within the development. We provide as standard electric vehicle charging pods to all market and affordable homes; this is as opposed to just the cabling to facilitate the purchaser installing a pod as we believe it important to have the pods in place to help encourage a change in people’s behaviours and make renewable choices easier.
4a. Likely to impact on designated or non-designated heritage assets or their settings?
The assessment suggests there is potential for development of the site to harm heritage assets. The only heritage assets in close proximity to the site are the Grade II listed Eaton Oak and the St Neots conservation area, which are both on the opposite side of the A1 motorway. Housing has already been built around the Grade II listed building and also within the western part of the St Neots conservation area off Great North Road, so any proposals for housing development would not cause harm to the character of these assets. Furthermore, there is significant tree screening on both sides of the A1 between the site and these heritage assets to mitigate any visual impact. Accordingly, there would be no harm to existing heritage assets if the site were developed for housing.
8b. Within the existing settlement form?
Although the site lies more than 0.5 miles from any defined settlement boundary within Bedford district, it does lie less than 200 metres from the settlement boundary of St Neots in Huntingdonshire.
Highways Comments
The comments pick up the existing shared footway on the northern side of the B645, and state that a new crossing would need to be provided from the site to ensure pedestrian cycle links into St Neots. In addition, the comments state that access may need to be located further west along B645 to avoid any issues with the existing A1 slip road. This can readily be achieved as Thakeham control the land further along the B645 necessary to facilitate this access solution.
Environmental Health
Comments suggest noise from the A1 is a risk. However, this can be mitigated through bunds and noise attenuation walls, as was the case and has been provided to the east of the A1 in Eaton Socon and St Neots. Furthermore, proposed development can be designed to ensure appropriate orientation of buildings to further mitigate noise impacts.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7531

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Jonathan Hambleton

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7585

Received: 01/09/2021

Respondent: Miss Nicola Tagg

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7979

Received: 24/09/2021

Respondent: Ms Lorraine Jewell

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 7989

Received: 24/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Nicola Gooch

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8363

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Bernadette Yockney

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8371

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Phillip Yockney

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8470

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Theodore Cassell

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8639

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Henry Zwetsloot

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2a (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8796

Received: 29/09/2021

Respondent: Staploe Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
Residents of Staploe Parish currently benefit from access to services in St Neots. We have been able to use the schools, doctors, leisure centre, recycling centre (until very recently), and library. Residents are concerned that if large scale development occurred we would no longer be permitted to use these services because they would become overwhelmed with people from Bedforshire. In addition, the Council along with the County or Unitary authorities, need to fully consider any infrastructure requirements that would support the level of growth that may arise from such large scale developments. The Parish Council would expect there to be an updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan that supports the Regulation 19 Pre-submission Draft Local Plan, with such updates to ensure that existing provision of services can still be relied upon by existing residents within the Parish.

The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

This site has now effectively been replaced by Eaton Bank. Please see our comments on Eaton Bank below

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future. (See later comments re Eaton Bank).


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8843

Received: 29/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Joanna Ibbett

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.

100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow, it is too far from the new E-W rail station to offer sustainable transport, a large development could cause flooding in St Neots. The transport modelling is flawed and underestimates the number of trips. Development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8901

Received: 30/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Mills

Representation Summary:

The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
100 word summary Flints Field Site 930

Flints Field is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8964

Received: 01/10/2021

Respondent: Mr James Browning

Representation Summary:

Flints Field Site 930
The land at Flints Field is not considered a suitable site by Staploe Parish Council and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed, and the Council would need to be satisfied through a thorough review of the supporting documents to the site submissions that adequately address the impacts, and in terms of achieving sustainable development – in line with Paragraph 16 of the NPPF and section 39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Housing need has been identified through the Council’s LHN. Using the process set out in the Planning Practice Guidance “Housing and economic needs assessment” (MHCLG – updated December 2020) the minimum annual LHN figure is 1,305 dwellings per annum. This equates to 26,100 dwellings across the period 2020 – 2040. However, existing committed sites and windfall provide a figure of 13,000 new homes. This provides a figure of 13,100 additional dwellings over the plan period. It is noted that Bedford Borough Council need to deliver 12,500 homes as a minimum. Regardless which of the figures proposed, the strategy of option 2b (including 2,500 homes at Little Barford) meets the Council’s housing requirement and negates the need for a development at Flints Field.
When looking at the spatial approach to locating new development, the proposed site at Flints Field would be located within close proximity to St Neots. Given the scale of the proposed development there would a potential coalescence to the existing settlement of St Neots. Spatially, this would be contrary to the Council’s adopted Local Plan which seeks to prevent coalescence of settlements. In addition, policy 37 of the Council’s adopted Local Plan makes clear that developments need to ‘Protect the landscape setting and contribute to maintaining the individual and distinct character, and separate identities of settlements by preventing coalescence…’. It should also be taken into consideration that St Neots is experiencing its own strategic growth with an eastern extension 3,265 dwelling and 20 Ha of employment land over the plan period. Therefore, a new settlement directly to the west of the existing settlement of 400 would increase the size of St Neots and may affect delivery rates for housing due to competing sites.
It is clear that the proposed development at Flints Field would be a car reliant settlement because it would not benefit from a choice of sustainable modes of transport as opposed to other developments, such as urban extensions and the proposed development at Little Barford. Little Barford offers a varied choice of sustainable modes of public transport, including the possible linkage to the East West rail station south of St Neots. It is anticipated that there will be limited employment associated with Flints Field with commuting considered necessary to nearby employment areas, for example, south of St Neots, Bedford or Cambridge via train. This would be contrary to sustainability objectives identified by BBC, and contrary to paragraphs 73, 104, 105, 106, and 110 of the NPPF, not to mention existing policies within the adopted Local Plan, namely Policies 2S, 87, 88, and 90S. In addition, the Flints Field site does not align with a strategic transport corridor growth strategy, including rail.
In highways terms, it has been identified previously that Parish of Staploe is rural in character, with most of the road network narrow and single track. The inclusion of 400 homes would require significant infrastructure interventions, including the substantial widening of existing roads and junctions, which would lead to an urbanised appearance in what is a tranquil and idyllic countryside setting.
The landscape setting for the Parish of Staploe is one of a rural character, containing small hamlets, interspersed agricultural buildings, small holdings and arable agricultural land. As mentioned above, the roads are narrow and winding, and contribute to the rural setting. The landscape character is depicted within the Council’s Landscape Character Assessment (LCA), updated October 2020. The wider Parish of Staploe falls within the Thurleigh Clay Farmland character area (1D). Within the ‘evaluation’ section at page 55 of the LCA it notes that potential future change could include Small scale development in villages which could lead to loss their distinctive character/ ‘Ends’; Road upgrades affecting rural road character; Suburbanisation of villages. This would suggest that even relatively small changes would affect the rural setting of the area. Moreover, the proposed landscape strategy for the area as identified within the LCA is to ‘enhance’ elements of the landscape. The introduction of 400 new dwellings would significantly and permanently erode the rural character of the Parish, contrary to Paragraphs 20, 153, 174, and 175 of the NPPF and policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Flints Field area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
The residents of Duloe would be significantly affected by this development and the hamlet would lose its identity. Residents chose to live in these locations for their peace and quiet and rural character.
Valued local views would be lost across open farmland.
Residents of Staploe, Duloe and Eaton Socon would be affected by a huge increase in traffic through the hamlets and on the Bushmead Road. The Bushmead Road is not suitable for the existing level of traffic and the approach to St Neots is past a primary school.
The site is directly adjacent to the A1. Any development here would rule out any improvements to the A1 in future.
Overall, the land at Flints Field does not offer a truly sustainable form of development, and is thereby contrary to policies contained within the NPPF and of the Council’s adopted Local Plan. Accordingly, the proposed new development should be discounted when considering sites for allocation going forward to the pre-submission draft Local Plan.