Site ID: 1232

Showing comments and forms 1 to 2 of 2


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 5451

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: GB PC

Representation Summary:

Any development to east of main village would increase traffic on already congested High St. Low lying land is potentially at risk of flooding from both brook and river. Site has poor connectivity to main village and would result in long walking distances. Access point is in national speed limit zone and unsuitable to feed a large residential development.


Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6046

Received: 09/09/2021

Respondent: Kler Group

Agent: Cerda Planning Ltd

Representation Summary:

Site 1232 – New Road, Great Barford
Question 1a – the site adjoins a settlement policy area and as such should be scored ‘+’ as per question 8b.
Question 2b – the site has been the subject of a previous planning application. Birds have been found at the site, but no other protected species (bats, GCN, reptiles, Badgers) have been found. The development of the site provides the opportunity to enhance existing habitat as well as create new habitat of greater value to wildlife. An ecologically guided management plan should be implemented in order to maximise the biodiversity value of the habitats and features retained by the scheme. Sensitive management of woodland, wetland, and hedgerows would provide the most benefit. Retained hedgerows could be bolstered and enhanced by planting additional native species to increase species richness. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.
Question 2c – the site has the ability to achieve net gain through an ecologically guided management plan in order to maximise the biodiversity value of the habitats and features retained by the scheme. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.
Question 4a – there are no designated or non-designated heritage assets within the site. Development has the potential to affect the setting of offsite designated heritage assets, however this is considered to be no more than less than substantial harm. Discussions with the Council indicate that the public benefits outweigh the less than substantial harm. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.
Question 15f – a Transport Statement accompanying a previous planning application for residential development has considered various off-site highway works in order to mitigate impacts arising from development and link the site to the existing connection network, as set out in the call for sites pro forma. All of the measures identified can be achieved. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.
Contaminated land – the site is greenfield, and in any event is not contaminated. No issues were previously identified in the earlier planning application or appeal in relation to ground conditions. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.
Noise - the potential noise constraints in terms of the existing and proposed noise sensitive receptors, will be the noise from traffic using the local highway network. A search of the area has identified that an industrial site is located north of the site. Various acoustic design options and mitigation measures for a future development can be considered during the initial site master planning, through building orientation, internal layout, setback, landscaping or barriers, glazing and ventilation. It is likely that if any façade treatment is required this will be for a limited number of units, located nearest to the main sources of noise. It is considered that the majority of a future development will benefit from screening providing by these structures and are therefore unlikely to need onerous façade mitigation. As such the site should be scored ‘+’.