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Form ID: 952


Agree proposed areas as set out and would suggest that additional new policies are required to address the following issues: 1. Biodiversity Gain - it is imperative that Policies are introduced to ensure that specific and substantial Biodiversity Gain (e.g. +20%) is achieved as part of all development undertaken in the Borough over the Plan Period. 2. Ownership of publicly accessible Open Green Space and housing development boundaries – Policies are required regarding the long term ownership and maintenance of all publicly accessible Open Green Spaces of all types, formed as part of new housing or industrial developments in both urban and rural locations. It is CPRE Bedfordshire’s view that these areas should be owned and maintained by Town & Parish Councils whose actions (including the costs of maintenance) are democratically accountable to residents and not retained by developers as has become the case recently.

Form ID: 954

1. Need to ensure that effective policy measures are in place to deliver the vision, especially “Sustainable development and transport, the use of renewable energy technology, green infrastructure and new high quality green spaces in both urban and rural areas, will all contribute to reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint and securing a net-gain in biodiversity.” 2. River Great Ouse and River Valley Area – the River Great Ouse and the associated valley area throughout the Borough is the real “jewel in Bedford Borough’s crown” and yet the protection and enhancement of this hugely important environmental asset is completely overlooked in the draft Vision. This needs to be corrected. In biodiversity terms alone, the River Great Ouse and its valley area has the capacity to deliver very substantial gains, urgently needed at this time of catastrophic loss. Tree planting in the riverside & valley area could help us to achieve our carbon reduction targets, minimise flooding and improve water quality.

Form ID: 957

I agree with this plan period

No answer given

Form ID: 958

Brown – Urban based growth , Yellow – A421 based growth , Pink – Rail growth

No answer given

Form ID: 960

1. In order to achieve more sustainable development the current principle of developing additional primary road networks to facilitate new development needs to be abandoned in favour of environmentally sustainable alternatives. The emphasis needs to be on ensuring easy access to public transport, and sustainable transport alternatives – encouraging good quality “first mile – last mile” connections and sustainable transport hubs. An integrated network of “Dutch style” segregated cycle routes in both urban and rural areas needs to become the norm encouraging people of all ages to feel safe and use their bicycles more regularly. Current practice of simply painting the roads to enable poor quality unsafe cycle routes needs to be ended. The priority currently given to the car over cycling and walking needs to be wound back. Easy access to electric cars, charging points and car clubs – see trials operating in other areas of the country e.g. Bristol. Soft infrastructure e.g. doctors surgeries, shopping facilities, sporting/recreational facilities, community center’s etc. need to be available locally reducing the need for residents to use the car to access them. 2. What is meant by Growth? BBC needs to define more clearly what it means by “Growth”. Does it mean, as now, Growth at any cost no matter what the environmental damage or reduced “quality of life” - encouragement of huge population growth (+1.9m people) and the creation of a mega urbanisation (1 million homes equivalent to 20 cities the size of Cambridge) across the Oxford – Milton Keynes – Bedford - Cambridge Arc, with Bedford Borough as the warehouse capital of the Arc? Or, does it mean Growth which results in, as priorities; improved “Quality of Life” for all residents, reduction in carbon emissions, increase in biodiversity, reduced air pollution, affordable homes (especially homes for social rent) for all local people, quality open green spaces for both urban and rural communities, a viable and sustainable countryside – our “Natural Health Service”, quality employment opportunities for local people etc. etc.? Clarity on this issue will define more clearly the way forward.

Form ID: 961

In general, employment sites need to be located close to centres of population and to sustainable transport networks or hubs. Wherever possible, they should be located on brownfield sites. Warehousing should not be located in rural communities accessed by the rural road network.

Form ID: 963

If Bedford wishes to benefit from East/West Rail and the improved connectivity to Oxford and Cambridge it should abandon its mistaken preference for the “northern” Rail Route and instead go for the Route B along the A421 transport corridor with a “parkway” station at Wixams. This would discourage traffic from the centre of town interested only in accessing Bedford station, reduce air pollution and improve the quality of life of residents on all access routes. Bedford should establish itself as the “green” market town with the emphasis on resident’s quality of life, promoting all forms of sustainable transport to create a modern and sustainable environment that people would aspire to live and work in. The town of Bedford should become a network of quality open green spaces and green corridors linking pedestrian and cycle ways with the river area. It should define and build on its strengths – recognising and publicising the beautiful countryside around it, not building a railway line on an unwanted route through tranquil open countryside.

Form ID: 964

See answer to Question 7.

Form ID: 965

I agree

No answer given

Form ID: 967

1. Water consumption Bedford Borough lies in an “area of serious water stress” as defined by the Environment Agency – there is a need for BBC to ensure that all housing and office/industrial development conforms to the highest level of water conservation. 2. SUDS Infrastructure – long term maintenance BBC should ensure that sufficient funds have been obtained from developers to ensure that the long term maintenance of SUDS infrastructure is assured.

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