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New searchSeeking Local Plan standards that go above and beyond the “baseline” requirements of the Building Regulations through the Local Plan could be supported, although it is emphasised that in all cases these are negotiable as part of viability assessments.
Bedford Borough is well served by strategic transport corridors, with the A421/ east west rail corridor, and A6/ Midland Mainline corridor. It is noted that the proposed Plan vision highlights the opportunities that the new east/ west rail route will offer, in association with the Oxford to Cambridge Arc. However, East Northamptonshire Council would also highlight the potential for enhanced connectivity along the north/ south A6/ Midland Mainline corridor.
Close engagement and working with the relevant stakeholders (Natural England, Environment Agency and the Wildlife Trust) is critical to maximise opportunities for securing net biodiversity gain and/ or the protection of sensitive natural environmental assets in association with new developments. In particular understanding the future impact of development in the north of the Borough in relation to the Upper Nene Gravel Pits Special Protection Area/ Ramsar site will be critical.
It is understood that Bedford Borough will be covered by a single Local Plan, containing both strategic and more detailed/ site specific non-strategic policies. The Local Plan ought to prioritize strategic matters, with localised site specific issues delegated to Neighbourhood Planning. The benefits of this approach to scoping for the Local Plan would be twofold: • Minimise the risk of the plan being delayed due to site specific/ land use matters such as the extent of zonal designations (e.g. Local Green Space, settlement boundaries); and • Incentivise communities to prepare Neighbourhood Plans where these could help to deliver local priorities or aspirations.
Overall, East Northamptonshire Council is keen to continue engaging closely with Bedford Borough Council as the Local Plan progresses. There are potentially significant issues that could arise if significant new development is proposed for the A6/ Midland Mainline corridor; notably the possible Colworth Garden Village or Wymington strategic development proposals. It is welcomed that the Local Plan is considering an extensive range of potential spatial development strategies (at least six possible approaches). It is reiterated that East Northamptonshire Council could potentially support strategic development proposals where these deliver tangible infrastructure projects, such as a new Midland Mainline rail station (be it at Colworth/ Sharnbrook or Wymington). Any proposed development to the south of Rushden would benefit from future joint Masterplanning, which engages both Local Planning Authorities and other relevant partners.
Members reiterated concerns about the potential proposal (Brown option) for expansion of the Rushden urban area into Wymington parish, which would mean that East/ North Northamptonshire would entail all of the infrastructure costs, without benefits such as increased Council Tax receipts. If a Rushden South sustainable urban extension into Bedford Borough (Wymington) is supported, this could also be accompanied by a boundary review for East/ North Northamptonshire and Bedford Borough. Support for the potential proposal for Wymington rail station in association was reiterated, although it is unclear where this could be sited
Support for the potential proposal for Wymington rail station in association was reiterated, although it is unclear where this could be sited. Members highlighted the following additional strategic infrastructure priorities, also noting concerns about effective management of infrastructure delivery: o Rushden western bypass, to support strategic expansion to the south of the town, into Wymington Parish (Brown option) o Potential for further dualling/ increased capacity along Paula Radcliffe Way (A6) north to Sharnbrook/ Rushden
With reference to the Oxford – Cambridge Arc, Members highlighted the following issues: o Bedford Borough has long faced challenges re housing delivery; o Northamptonshire is seen as peripheral to the Arc; o Lack of capacity along north/ south A6 corridor; o Managing infrastructure delivery in association with development at the periphery of Bedford Borough and the Arc; e.g. Eaton Socon (St Neots) and Wymington (Rushden)
Members emphasised that East Northamptonshire has no railway stations; therefore the potential delivery of further new stations within the Borough is supported. Fare structures were also highlighted, whereby ticket costs are vastly more costly for travel into London St Pancras from Wellingborough, compared to Bedford. • Members also raised concerns about the Government’s proposals to remove the statutory Duty to Cooperate. Given the emerging potential growth strategies within Bedford Borough and the wider Oxford – Cambridge Arc, it is critical that such close working arrangements are maintained.