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New searchNDPs should be included in the strategy because they have been through all the village consultations and have also considered their local housing need. Add policies to address climate change requirements. Policy required to ensure that Housing Design complies with minimum size guidelines as advised by the government technical housing standards-nationally described space standard March 2015 Public Open Space – who will own and maintain them in new developments? If a sum to maintain them is not from the developer does the public open space become the responsibility of the local council or a private management company? If so, how is the open space to be maintained?
Where will the new transport interchange be located and does it include links to Oxford/Cambridge? The Oxford/Cambridge rail infrastructure will have fundamental impact on the villages north of Bedford. What mitigation has been considered to lessen that impact? The Great Ouse valley through Bedford Borough is a jewel in the crown. It should have policies for protection and enhancement. This should be incorporated into the Vision. The plan should be to 2040 as it is very difficult to predict the future beyond this date. The NPPF requires the Local Plans to be reviewed every 5years so that it can be updated as the economy requires. The absence of a question on housing growth is a deficit in this consultation. We understand that the government is currently consulting on a new Standard Method. The potential figures of 800-1300 represent at worst a 35% increase compared to current Local Plan 2030 this will have detrimental impact on the urban and rural environment. Where is the industrial and commercial strategy to support this level of housing growth?
The plan should be to 2040 as it is very difficult to predict the future beyond this date. The NPPF requires the Local Plans to be reviewed every 5 years so that it can be updated as the economy requires. The absence of a question on housing growth is a deficit in this consultation. We understand that the government is currently consulting on a new Standard Method. The potential figures of 800-1300 represent at worst a 35% increase compared to current Local Plan 2030 this will have detrimental impact on the urban and rural environment. Where is the industrial and commercial strategy to support this level of housing growth?
A combination of brown, yellow and pink locations for housing growth. The housing growth should also consider the growth in NDP plans and possible “Fall In” of housing during this period. East West Rail to the north of Bedford will be going through tranquil villages and mainly graded agricultural land that should be safeguarded. Those villages and the graded agricultural land should have mitigations in place that require minimal housing development that has been developed through NDPs. Development should be along the A421 Transport corridor.
Any growth means sustainable infrastructure. Cycle routes, bus services that meets people needs. Biodiversity and landscape enhancements including green corridors and green spaces need to be put in before the houses are built. Soft infrastructure, health services, schools, community centres, sports facilities all within cycling or walking distance. These need to be built before the houses are built or at least the money be in place for their development.
Employment sites need to go with housing and on brownfield sites where possible. The policy regarding warehouse infrastructure needs to be rethought. If we are to attract highly skilled jobs we need infrastructure that enables that to happen. To attract the people that are highly trained and academics we need the creative sector, the cultural sector, high quality green spaces, good housing design a vibrant town centre and a rural environment that is easily accessible.
By making Bedford Borough attractive, dynamic, a greener creative place to live with good housing design,sustainable transport and infrastructure. Quality of life should be the primary consideration.
Please see Oakley NDP comments.
There are already government policies for climate change and they should be in all guidance for developers within the local plan
There is a need for a policy in the local plan that building regulations need to be complied with as regards housing design. We hope that the buildings regulations include minimum room size, ceiling height and the need for a separate room for home study.