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Form ID: 2639
Agent: Barton Willmore


A key policy that requires an immediate review is existing policy 4S. At present, this policy seeks to identify land to deliver 3,169 dwellings to meet the Council’s aim of delivering 14,550 dwellings within the plan period to 2030. This translates to 970 dwellings per annum (dpa). The current Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination ahead of 24 January 2019, ensuring it was assessed against the 2012 iteration of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Local Plan Review will be assessed against the 2019 NPPF, which will include utilising the standard method of housing need calculation. At present, this is calculated using the 2014-based household projections and would result in the need for 1,305dpa. However, should the methodology for calculating housing need be amended as proposed through the current ‘Planning for the Future’ consultation, this would reduce to 1,153 dpa. In either case, this represents an increase in housing requirement above that of the current Local Plan. The Local Plan Review must therefore ensure appropriate housing need be provided within the plan in line with the NPPF and the appropriate housing need calculation. It may also wish to provide additional housing above the standard method given the aims and objections of the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge arc. Appropriate sites in sustainable locations will therefore need to be identified within the Review process. In order to meet this additional housing need, Land East of Wixams provides such a sustainable site. It has direct access to the A6 and is located approximately 3 miles from the centre of Bedford. The site would form an extension to Wixams, which has its own services and facilities, including an employment area and allocated town centre. The land directly north of the proposed site is an allocated ‘Protect and Develop’ employment area. Residential development would complement these neighbouring land uses. In transport terms, the site is a short journey to Bedford, which can be accessed via cycle or walking, as well as potential bus services as currently running to Wixams itself. Railway stations at Bedford, Bedford St John and the proposed station at Wixams allow wider sustainable connections. The benefits of the site were emphasised within the Call for Sites document, and these continue to apply.

Form ID: 2640
Agent: Barton Willmore

Nothing chosen

Wixams is designated as a ‘Key Service Centre’ within the existing Local Plan, which highlights its sustainable credentials. Beyond Bedford itself, such settlements are considered the most appropriate for growth. The current Plan did not allocate further growth at Wixams given the current development being undertaken. However, future development of the town centre and its proximity to Bedford ensure it is an appropriate place for further expansion. Table 1 provides options as to where new development could be located. In reality, the spatial strategy will provide a balance between these. The table highlights pros and cons to be considered, which must all be considered in the balance. In line with Government advice and sustainability principles, development in urban areas would be the starting point. However, urban based growth within Bedford is very limited. The current Local Plan focusses growth in this location and there are limited further sites available, particularly to meet the likely housing need requirements of the Plan Review. As such, there will be reliance upon the other locations proposed. Land East of Wixams would represent development in the proximity of the A421 corridor. The table highlights some of the key advantages that development within this area would bring. It also directly references the ability to further extend Wixams. The settlement is expanding, with development and occupations continuing at villages 2 and 4 following the completion of village 1. The location of land East of Wixams and the sustainable benefits it will provide ensures that its development can be planned for through the Review process rather than further into the future. Table 1 provides four ‘cons’ to development in this area and these are listed below, along with a note as to how they relate to development on land East of Wixams: 1) Could encourage car use and increase pressure on A421 junctions: The A421 is a key driver within the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge arc, and the site is well connected to the road. However, the connection opportunities to Wixams and the employment land to the north as well as to Bedford will provide future residents with sustainable alternatives to the car. 2) Requires improved connections into urban areas in order to access facilities otherwise residents may travel on to larger towns: The scale of the site will allow adequate capacity for some services and facilities within the development. Future residents would have a choice for additional requirements given the proximity to Wixams and Bedford. Development will allow the opportunity to benefit services and facilities within these areas, to the benefit of a significant number of businesses. 3) Could appear as urban sprawl and join-up nearby villages: In order to meet the likely development requirements, it is inevitable that greenfield development will result. As such, the Local Plan Review must ensure development within appropriate sites. Development on land East of Wixams can ensure appropriate space and buffering is provided to the nearby settlements of Elstow, Shortstown, Cotton End and Wilstead to ensure no visible coalescence would occur. 4) Other location would miss the benefits associated with growth: This would be the case for any promoted sites.

Form ID: 2641
Agent: Barton Willmore

Land East of Wixams has excellent connections to the road transport network, with direct access to the A6 and the A421 located in close proximity. The site provides the opportunity to enhance sustainable modes of transport. This includes the potential to directly access the proposed employment land to the north. L&Q Estates are the master developer for Wixams, and therefore connection opportunities with Wixams will be maximised to the benefit of the future occupiers of both land west and east of the A6. For example, sustainable access to the future Wixams railway station will be planned for, which can then link to the existing cycleways through the existing Wixams.

Form ID: 2642
Agent: Barton Willmore

Please note the site was put forward in the October 2018 Call for Sites process under the applicant name of ‘Gallagher Estates’. These representations are made on behalf of L&Q Estates following the merger of these companies. A site plan, previously submitted, accompanies these representations.

Form ID: 2731
Agent: Barton Willmore


We agree with the proposed scope of the Local Plan review. However, there should be support for Neighbourhood Plans equivalent to the policies set out in the Local Plan 2030. This is essential to allow Neighbourhood Plans to continue to deliver and evolve in accordance with strategic policies that should define the settlement housing allocation.

Form ID: 2732
Agent: Barton Willmore

The vision may be strengthened by including a commitment to continuing to plan with local communities as was the case with the use of Neighbourhood Plans in recently adopted 2030 Local Plan.

Form ID: 2733
Agent: Barton Willmore

I do not agree with this plan period

We agree that a 20-year plan is the shortest period it should cover. This is particularly pertinent in Bedford in light of the strategic infrastructure improvements, regeneration and new development opportunities that will be derived. Planning positively for such opportunities is essential to delivering the government’s housing targets.

Form ID: 2734
Agent: Barton Willmore

Brown – Urban based growth , Grey– Dispersed growth , Red – New settlement based growth

While we understand this is an issues an options consultation, the approaches outlined may be overly simplistic and need to also reflect the adopted position up to 2030. While the premise of new settlements is supported they would need to be aligned with existing/improved infrastructure or new infrastructure of which much is still unclear. Therefore, there would need to be a mixed approach which allows for new settlements, growth in the urban centres and some dispersed growth particularly in key service centres such as Clapham and Bromham, where Neighbourhood Plans are bringing forward community led growth with appropriate stepping in mechanisms if required. New settlements may also take sometime to come online and therefore may only start delivering towards the back end of the plan period, further demonstrating the need to early deliverable sites such as land west of Milton Road, Clapham and others at key service centres.

Form ID: 2735
Agent: Barton Willmore

Commitment to the Expressway and its associated development opportunities. Commitment to the East West Rail and its associated development opportunities.

Form ID: 2736
Agent: Barton Willmore

Bedford must have a new vision for its future role as a centre between two ‘powerhouse’ cities. It must clearly define its role and the development it requires to achieve this as part of the emerging local plan.

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