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Form ID: 1982


The Consultation Document sets out that the local plan review will focus mainly on growth and infrastructure (housing, employment and supporting infrastructure), with the majority of development management policies from the Local Plan 2030 (adopted January 2020) to be retained. The ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic has emphasised the value of healthcare providers as key stakeholders within the community, and the importance of hospital access for all. The Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides essential healthcare provision to the population of Bedford and the wider area from their established sites in Bedford at the South Wing (Kempston Road) and the North Wing (Kimbolton Road). In addition to their role as healthcare provider, the Trust is a major landowner and employer within the Borough. Q1 Do you agree with the proposed scope of the local plan review? If you think that other areas of existing policy should be updated or new policy areas added to the list, please explain what they are and your reasons for wanting them to be included in the plan. National planning guidance set out in Healthy and Safe Communities PPG states that planning and health need to be considered together in two ways: in terms of creating environments that support and encourage healthy lifestyles, and in terms of identifying and securing the facilities need for primary, secondary and tertiary care, and the wider health and care system (taking into account the changing needs of the population)(Paragraph 001 Reference ID:53-001-20190722). Adopted Local Plan Policy 2S (Healthy Communities) sets out the Council’s support for programmes and strategies which aim to reduce health equalities and promote healthier lifestyles. Sections (i) and (ii) of the Policy refer to Health Impact Assessments and Sections (iii) and (iv) require development to promote health and support the role of allotments, gardens etc. Section (v) states that the Council will “work jointly with health providers to help deliver and protect a network of health facilities in locations accessible by walking, cycling and public transport where this will meet an existing deficiency, or support regeneration or new development.” Building upon this policy approach, the Trust is keen to work with the Council to ensure the ongoing provision of high-quality health facilities within Bedford. The Trust supports local planning policies that protect existing healthcare uses, allowing for the improvement of existing facilities and the development of new facilities and/or sites, whilst also maintaining flexibility for the alternative use of sites that are no longer required. Accessibility to healthcare is a key consideration, and the Trust will support the use of sustainable modes of transport whilst also ensuring access for emergency vehicles and for those who are less able. The Trust will support dedicated stakeholder engagement to patients, visitors and staff to understand how they would support a greater use of public transport. Adopted Local Plan Policy 14 (Land South of the River, Bedford) identifies land for residential use and a mix of retail, business and community uses around St John’s Station. This includes existing Hospital uses to the north/east of Britannia Road. The Trust is supportive of a policy approach which seeks the regeneration of the area and improvements to accessibility and infrastructure. However, we would again emphasise the need for flexibility in terms of land uses, to ensure the most efficient use of land to support the ongoing provision of high-quality healthcare provision. Whilst strategies are focused upon the constant improvement of the Hospital and its clinical facilities, there may be occasions where site disposal for alternative uses is an important mechanism to enable necessary redevelopment works.

Form ID: 1983

I do not agree with this plan period

The plan period should be a minimum of 20 years to allow security of long terms planning and to ensure the necessary infrastructure can be planned positively.

Form ID: 1984

It is important that the Local Plan makes provision for healthcare infrastructure and good access to healthcare services. The Trust is keen to work with the Council to develop an integrated sustainable transport strategy, promoting walking, cycling and public transport modes. The Hospital South Wing benefits from an accessible edge-of-centre location close to St Johns Railway Station. However, there is also a need to ensure safe and adequate car parking provision for those who need to use a private vehicle (and for emergency vehicles). Proposals for the future development of the Station area and the delivery of East-West Rail should include engagement with all local stakeholders, including the Hospital Trust. As noted in our response to Question 1, the Trust will support dedicated stakeholder engagement to patients, visitors and staff regarding public transport strategies.

Form ID: 1985

Improved connectivity across the arc will be of benefit to the economy of Bedford. It will also improve accessibility and promote rail travel as a sustainable mode as part of an integrated sustainable strategy. In terms of healthcare provision, this will improve access to a wider workforce of highly skilled medical professionals.

Form ID: 1986

The Bedford Hospital sites lie outside of the Town Centre boundary; however, part of the South Wing (north/east of Britannia Road) is included within the Policy 14 Redevelopment Area. As noted in our response to Question 1, this part of the Trust’s landholding may become available for residential and mixed use development during the plan period, as part of a wider strategy for the South Wing Site.

Form ID: 1987

I agree

Yes. The Council should develop a Climate Change SPD that provides developers, operators and residents with clarity of how the Council will achieve the Government’s 2050 zero carbon target. This is essential to ensure the plan is found sound and not exposed to the risk of challenge and consequently delay to local plan adoption.

Form ID: 1988

The Trust is keen to work with the Council to develop an integrated sustainable transport strategy, with the Hospital being a key destination. This will include the involvement of a range of stakeholders during the plan period. Our staff feedback has been that segregated cycle routes and/or enhanced cycle ways would increase the adoption of cycling to and from work. Further, the implementation of enhanced accessibility to electric vehicle charging points alongside normal parking infrastructure would increase the likelihood of the adoption of an EV by staff and patients/visitors alike. We would hope to work with the Council on how to best implement these strategies and will support engagement with patients, visitors and staff.

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