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Form ID: 2235

8.1 Development should be located close to the existing and proposed infrastructure. This will allow for connectivity to Oxford and Cambridge as well as other towns and cities including London. 8.2 The delivery of quality employment spaces in association with well-planned and diverse housing provision will benefit the Bedford economy. It will help grow sectors and enable companies to benefit from the knowledge and expertise offered by the knowledge hubs which have been established in other locations such as Oxford and Cambridge. 8.3 In order to attract business to this central location, it is vital that a coordinated and well-planned approach is taken. Businesses will be looking for high quality premises but these must be in locations close to an active employment market. The provision of such locations will attract businesses. 8.4 The provision of improved links to larger cities such as Cambridge, Oxford and Milton Keynes may attract more people that are living in the Borough and commuting out for work. If people are commuting via the transport hubs, particularly those created by the new stations, it is vital that sustainable travel methods are put in place for the ‘last mile’, i.e. people are able to get from their homes to the train stations in a sustainable way, this may include the provision of park and rides or cycle parking and cycle paths.

Form ID: 2236

I disagree

10.1 The NPPF (paragraph 20) makes it clear that planning measures to address climate change are a strategic matter. Therefore, the issue should be at the heart of decisions made about the spatial strategy. 10.2 Paragraph 149 of the NPPF states the Local Plans should take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change, taking into account the implications for matters such as flood risk and biodiversity. 10.3 At a high level, this means development being avoided in areas which are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and ensuring that adaption measures, such as new green infrastructure, are built into plans. 10.4 The location of development is therefore the key aspect of how the Local Plan should respond to climate change, rather than detailed guidance for developers. Ensuring development is well connected to transport infrastructure will be vital to ensuring the environmental impacts of development are minimised. In addition, sustainable construction methods and building materials will help ensure that the carbon impact of development is reduced as much as possible as well as reducing energy consumption. Notwithstanding this, the setting of standards to be achieved by new development should be avoided unless they relate to the application of the Government’s technical standards, as required by paragraph 150 of the NPPF.

Form ID: 2237

11.1 This question is not relevant to our client’s site. Any building standards for employment use must be in line with national standards to ensure that the employment market remains competitive. This is particularly relevant to this site given its close proximity to a number of other local planning authorities.

Form ID: 2238

12.1 It is vital that sustainable travel provides a ‘joined up’ approach to encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. Although this may not be possible for all journeys, providing people with a realistic alternative to travel by car is vital to the success of embedding a model shift. 12.2 By strategically placing larger employment areas in accessible locations, it would be possible for any operator of this employment site to prepare a travel plan which would consider where employees live and how they can access their place of employment. It is anticipated that this would be developed as part of the planning application and could be linked to any permission through a legal agreement.

Form ID: 2239

13.1 Our client welcomes updates to the technical work relating to environmental policies. Each site being promoted through the Local Plan will be subject to a planning application where more detailed assessments will be possible when the exact proposals are known. It is therefore vital that technical and environmental constraints are considered on a site by site basis, with any environmental evidence produced in support of the Local Plan forming the background to the research that is undertaken as part of the planning application process. 13.2 The existing policies that seek to protect and enhance the natural environment are considered adequate to guide development away from the most sensitive areas and are therefore considered appropriate.

Form ID: 2240

14.1 We support the work being undertaken in relation to the proximity of food outlets and schools and other locations for example where young people congregate. As stated in the consultation paper, any policy must be fully justified to ensure it is relevant and beneficial to Bedford Borough.

Form ID: 2935
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