Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
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Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 5729
Received: 07/09/2021
Respondent: National Highways
Highways England welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Bedford Borough Draft Local Plan - Strategy Options and Draft Policies consultation which covers the period from 2020 to 2040.
Highways England has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as a strategic highway company under the provisions of the Infrastructure Act 2015 and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road Network (SRN). It is our role to maintain the safe and efficient operation of the SRN whilst acting as a delivery partner to national economic growth. In relation to this consultation, our principal interest is safeguarding the operation of the A45 located approximately 2.5km north of the Plan area in Northamptonshire.
We understand that there is a requirement to deliver 1,275 dwellings per year, which equates to a total of 25,500 over the Plan period. There are already 13,000 existing housing commitments leaving 12,500 new dwellings to be allocated. The proposed yearly requirement is higher than currently set out in the adopted Local Plan (970 dwellings).
We have reviewed the interactive Call for Sites map and while we understand that not all of these sites will be allocated in the final Local Plan there are a number which have the potential to impact the operation of the A45 in Northamptonshire:
• Site ID: 896 for 540 dwellings at Land south-west of Rushden
• Site ID: 774 for 70,000sqm B1/B2/B8 employment at Chelveston Renewable Energy Park, Chelveston Airfield, Chelveston cum Caldecott
• Site ID: 939 for 128 dwellings, Land at Poplars Farm, Wymington
• Site ID: 946 for 98 dwellings, Land west of Rushden Road, Wymington
• Site ID: 1002 for 4,500 as a garden village at Land adjacent Colworth Science Park
• Site ID: 918 for 397 dwellings at Land south of Odell Road, Sharnbrook.
Should any of these sites be allocated in the final Local Plan, further assessment work may be required to ascertain the impact on the SRN and to determine the need for mitigation.
There is also a requirement to deliver of 171ha of employment land over the plan period. There is currently available supply for 48ha of employment land, leaving 123ha of land to be allocated in the Local Plan. Furthermore, Policy E1S sets out that a minimum of 8,642 net additional jobs will be provided by the end of the plan period.
We understand that it is expected that some future employment will be brought forward through large scale sites that are well connected to transport networks, including to the SRN. The council are currently considering three business parks of 30ha each with the remaining land allocated to smaller sites for offices and general industry.
Regarding the growth strategy options, we understand that an issues and options consultation took place in 2020 where six options were reviewed. As part of this consultation four options have been presented: 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d. All options seek to focus growth in the Bedford Urban Area and in settlements to the north east of Bedford and parishes south of Bedford. We consider that these strategies may have more of an impact on the A1(T), as opposed to the A45 in Northamptonshire.
We note that further work is required to determine the proposed trajectory for housing and employment in light of infrastructure improvements proposed, including the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvement and East West Rail proposals as well as the wider transport strategy set out in the document.
We wish to continue to liaise with Bedford Borough Council in the development of the Local Plan to understand which sites will be allocated and whether there may impact on the A45. If sites identified in the Call for Sites exercise to the north of the Plan area are allocated, consideration will need to be given to the potential impacts on the A45, specifically at the A45/A6 Chowns Mill roundabout. While improvements are underway at this junction, additional assessment work may be required to understand the impacts in light of the greater housing and employment requirements identified for Bedford,
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 7779
Received: 23/09/2021
Respondent: National Highways
Highways England welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Bedford Borough Draft Local Plan - Strategy Options and Draft Policies consultation which covers the period from 2020 to 2040.
Highways England is responsible for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the Strategic Road Network in England on behalf of the Secretary of the State. In the area within and surrounding Bedford Borough we have responsibility for the A1, A421, and A428.
Highways England will consider the following aspects of the Local Plan in this review:
• Visions and Objectives;
• The overall Spatial Strategy, including growth location options and consideration of the housing and employment growth targets;
• Employment sites
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 7780
Received: 23/09/2021
Respondent: National Highways
The Local Plan (LP) states that by the end of the plan period, the Borough will have become a greener, more sustainable, more attractive and prosperous place to live. The LP suggests that sustainable development and transport, the use of sustainable and renewable energy technology, green infrastructure and new green spaces will all contribute to reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint and securing a net-gain in both biodiversity and environmental quality. This is an approach that Highways England supports.
A key theme of the LP is accessibility, encouraging sustainable travel as well as taking the opportunities offered by strategic infrastructure for greater regional and national connectivity. An objective of the LP is to reduce congestion in the Borough, particularly into and around the town centre, including making journeys by public transport, walking and cycling more attractive to encourage an increase in more sustainable and healthy modes of transport, which is something Highways England welcomes.
Creating the transport strategy for plan around the five actions taken from the EEH Transport Strategy appears to be a sensible approach.
• Focus on decarbonisation of the transport system by harnessing innovation and supporting solutions which create green economic opportunities;
• Promote investment in digital infrastructure as a means of improving connectivity, in order to reduce the need to travel
• Use delivery of East West Rail and mass rapid transit systems as the catalyst for the transformation of our strategic public transport networks
• Champion increased investment in active travel and shared transport solutions to improve local connectivity to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to realise their potential
• Ensure that freight and logistics needs continue to be met whilst lowering the environmental impact of their delivery
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 7781
Received: 23/09/2021
Respondent: National Highways
The LP currently has four emerging preferred options for its spatial strategy;
Option 2a:
• Within the urban area (1,500 dwellings);
• Adjoining the urban area (1,500 dwellings), up to 51 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – rail based growth: land within the parishes of Kempston Hardwick, Stewartby and Wixams (high option) (7,500 dwellings), up to 80 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – south: land within the parishes of Cotton End, Elstow, Kempston Rural, Shortstown, Wilstead and Wootton (2,000 dwellings); and
• Total 12,500 dwellings and up to 131 ha employment
Highways England broadly welcomes developments within the existing urban area in principle. Trips generated by developments within this area have the possibility to remain internal to the town and/or make use of sustainable transport options and therefore may have a smaller impact on the wider Strategic Road Network (SRN) than development in alternative locations.
Furthermore, Highways England supports development on the rail transport corridor as this could encourage longer distance trips to make use of more sustainable methods of transport. It should be noted that the areas of proposed development are also located adjacent to the A421 corridor and will have a notable impact on a number of junctions, in particular the A421/A6 and A421/A428 junctions.
Option 2b includes the following:
• Within the urban area (1,500 dwellings);
• Adjoining the urban area (1,500 dwellings), up to 51 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – rail based growth: land within the parishes of Kempston Hardwick, Stewartby and Wixams (low option); (5,500 dwellings), up to 80 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – south: land within the parishes of Cotton End, Elstow, Kempston Rural, Shortstown, Wilstead and Wootton (1,500 dwellings);
• New settlement at Little Barford (3,085 dwellings) or Wyboston (2,500 dwellings), up to 20 ha employment; and
• Total between 12,500 and 13,085 dwellings and up to 151 ha employment.
Option 2b is similar to Option 2a, and therefore the conclusions reached for that option broadly apply to option 2b. However, Option 2b also includes a proposed new settlement at either Wyboston or Little Barford, which are remote from the other development locations proposed within this Option. Whilst, as with Option 2a, there are potentially benefits of proposed development locations in the town centre and in rail based growth parishes, the development in Wyboston or Little Barford will have significant impacts on the SRN. Highways England, therefore considers that a well-integrated and significant sustainable transport provision is essential to ensure that these relatively isolated development does not become overly reliant on car use.
Option 2c includes the following:
Within the urban area (1,500 dwellings);
Adjoining the urban area (1,500 dwellings), up to 51 ha employment;
Transport corridor – rail based growth: land within the parishes of Kempston Hardwick, Stewartby and Wixams (extra low option; this being the residual required to meet need) (3,915 dwellings), up to 80 ha employment;
New settlements at Little Barford (3,085 dwellings) and Wyboston (2,500 dwellings), up to 20 ha employment; and
Total 12,500 dwellings, up to 151 ha employment.
Option 2c includes proposed new settlements at Wyboston and Little Barford, as opposed to option 2b, which indicated that just one of the two new settlements would be brought forward. Furthermore, this option would include no development in the southern parishes. As per Option 2b, there is the potential that these proposed new settlements could have a notable impact on the SRN. As with Option 2b Highways England recommends that a well-integrated and significant sustainable transport provision is essential to ensure that these relatively isolated developments do not become overly reliant on car use. This option appears less sustainable than other options outlined.
Option 2d includes the following:
• Within the urban area (1,500 dwellings);
• Adjoining the urban area (1,500 dwellings), up to 51 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – rail based growth: land within the parishes of Kempston Hardwick, Stewartby and Wixams (low option) (5,500 dwellings), up to 80 ha employment;
• Transport corridor – south: land within the parishes of Cotton End, Elstow, Kempston Rural, Shortstown, Wilstead and Wootton (750 dwellings);
• Transport corridor – east: land within the parishes of Cardington, Cople, Great Barford, Little Barford, Roxton, Willington and Wyboston (750 dwellings), up to 28 ha employment;
• New settlement at Little Barford (3,085 dwellings) or Wyboston (2,500 dwellings), up to 20 ha employment; and
• Total between 12,500 and 13,085 dwellings, up to 179 ha employment.
Option 2d is similar to Option 2b, although there is also development proposed within the A421 corridor to the east of Bedford. Therefore, Highways England’s comments regarding Option 2b are also applicable here, however the additional proposals on the transport corridor: east could result in a wider impact on the A421 junctions. Similar to other Options a well-integrated and significant sustainable transport provision is essential to ensure that these relatively isolated developments do not become overly reliant on car use.
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 7782
Received: 23/09/2021
Respondent: National Highways
The LP has limited information regarding the potential scale and location of employment development intended for the Borough, other than the overall target of 8,642 net additional jobs. It is therefore not possible to consider what the potential impact of those sites could be on the operation of the SRN. Highways England recommend that when further information regarding the exact location of proposed employment development sites is established that these should be included in any modelling assessment to understand the cumulative impact of growth proposals across the borough on the SRN.
Highways England suggests that once a development strategy for the LP has been chosen that its impacts are further considered with regards to the SRN so that the full impacts are understood, and potential infrastructure required to support the strategy are clearly identified.