Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
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Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Policy SB1
Representation ID: 5827
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Persimmon Homes Midlands
Agent: Planning Prospects Ltd
Persimmon note the council are seeking to address the requirement for self build opportunities within the Plan
under new Policy SB1 and in this regard the following comments are provided;
- The Council should more appropriate pursue an approach which specifically seeks to allocate sites for self
build – it is not straight forward to include self build plots within wider more general housing schemes for
reason of design, layout and continuity of build. Self build plots require an degree of flexibility on design
and layout and that often is not available of on wider development sites which have been carefully planned
with a range of integrated and considered house types.
- The requirements for the number of plots to be made available by size of the development appears
- Some sites may be completely unsuitable for self build, given the types housing eg apartments and
arrangement of the scheme – there should be provision within the policy to allow justification for
exceptions to provision on site
- The policy implications need to be factored into the plan viability and in the absence of value being gained
through the build phase and developers having to sell off build plots, the policy has significant implications
for development viability
- The policy also has implications for build trajectory as self build plots inevitably take longer to come
- The approach to marketing of the site needs justification – the periods set out are far too long as
development schemes could well be completed whilst self build plots are being marketed
- It needs to be explicit in the policy that development sites may have specific design and delivery
requirements in order to allow for self build – it would not be acceptable to allow new house occupiers to
be affected by undelivered or partially built properties for considerable periods of time
- Self build plots should at the very least be excluded from the qualifying plots against which the affordable
housing percentage for the site is calculated.
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Policy NE1
Representation ID: 5828
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Persimmon Homes Midlands
Agent: Planning Prospects Ltd
New policy NE1 relating to environmental net gain is noted – Persimmon are committed to positively embracing
opportunities for environmental and biodiversity net gains through their developments as part of their sustainable
approach to building. However the inclusion of new Policy NE1 within the plan does seem somewhat unnecessary
as the Environmental Bill includes comprehensive provisions and requirements for developments which will be
required in any event from all developments going forward including requirements for biodiversity and
environmental gains.
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Policy DQ1
Representation ID: 5829
Received: 08/09/2021
Respondent: Persimmon Homes Midlands
Agent: Planning Prospects Ltd
New policy DQ1 is noted which requires future developments to adopt NDSS – the approach to a national space
standard as opposed to LPA standards is supported by Persimmon however in line with PPG, the Council should
properly assess its implications to development viability and delivery noting that build costs rise with NDSS and the
scale of development achievable on sites can also be less with schemes compliant to NDSS.