Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

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Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation

Policy E1S

Representation ID: 5923

Received: 08/09/2021

Respondent: Ellen Langdon, Director

Agent: Town Planning Services

Representation Summary:

Colworth Park is identified as an existing 'Key Employment Site' within the development plan and is therefore afforded support under Policy 70 of the adopted 'Bedford Local Plan 2030'. It is currently considered to fall
within the 'Protect and Maintain' category, based on the Bedford Borough Council 'Economy and Employment
Land Study' 2015 (Table 24). Sites within the 'Protect and Maintain' category are those which are "broadly fit
for purpose with a large proportion of floorspace … likely to meet ongoing requirements" ('Bedford Borough
Local Plan 2030' §11.10). The adopted development plan states that on such sites, the Council will support
investment and improvement in stock provision over the plan period.
The Council's 'Employment Land Study Review' 2021 provides a more recent assessment of existing
employment sites within the Borough, including Colworth Park. This now suggests the site now falls within the
'Protect and Enhance' category (§6.18).
In accordance with the adopted development plan, sites within the 'Protect and Enhance' category will "play the
primary role in supporting economic development and growth by offering attractive and available opportunities
for the development of additional land and sites to retain and support expansion of existing occupiers, as well
as helping secure new inward investment" ('Bedford Local Plan 2030' §11.11). The local plan goes on to state
that key growth sectors will include 'Research and Development' amongst others. It further remarks that:
" … Whilst in general the stock of employment space within the employment sites is fit for purpose and meets
current occupier requirements there are some areas of weaker provision which are unfit for purpose and that
could be redeveloped for employment uses to strengthen the offer that the key employment sites could provide
… "
At the outset, we would endorse the site's elevated status that is now recognised within the updated
Employment Land Study Review. Nevertheless, there are a number of corrections and clarifications to be made
within the Council appraisal of Colworth Park, and we believe that the future scope for the Park's development
is underestimated.
To assist, we attach an annotated version of the Council's site assessment. [see separate attachment] We will not repeat these
annotations, but it is helpful to review the key points. In particular, the site's status as a high quality research
and development centre should be recognised. Anchored by Unilver, Colworth Park provides a centre for
collaboration and acts as a community specifically created to support innovation and business growth in the
food and drink sector. It provides shared laboratory space together with offices, kitchens and production
facilities. It is intended to create a hub of established businesses alongside start-ups, academic research and
social enterprises. It has successfully attracted occupiers of international significance who wish to have
representation in the UK.
The focus of the Park reflects the site's location, equidistant between Oxford and Cambridge and Trinity
Investment Management is aware that there is considerable demand for high quality, affordable laboratory and research space.
The assessment of Colworth Park within the 'Employment Land Study Review' 2021 omits reference to the
site's most recent planning history. In this regard, the Council granted planning permission for the erection of
a new building of 3,360sqm gross floorspace. This will accommodate Unilever's Advanced Manufacturing
functions, providing engineering facilities needed for rapid prototyping and the development of new products
and manufacturing processes. Planning permission was granted at the beginning of 2021 (Planning Permission
Reference 20/02360/MAF. In addition, it should be recognised that planning permission was granted for the
development of a hydroponics facility of 8,446sqm gross floorspace Planning Permission Reference
20/02431/MAF granted 28 January 2021). The grant of these permissions demonstrates both the demand for
additional space, and the site's capacity to accommodate further development.
In addition, it should be recognised that the site contains a considerable quantity of vacant floorspace. Although
some redundant buildings have previously been developed, the site currently has some 5,500sqm of vacant floorspace. Once Unilever relocate to the new Advanced Manufacturing Facility a further 5,000sqm of
floorspace will become vacant.
Although the site occupies a 'rural' location, it must be recognised that it adjoins the defined settlement boundary of Sharnbrook. Sharnbrook is identified as a 'Key Service Centre' and is expected to accommodate an
additional 500 new dwellings within the adopted 'Bedford Local Plan 2030' (Policy 4S). Accordingly, it
represents a sustainable location and it important to provide employment opportunities to accompany the
anticipated housing growth within the settlement. It is anticipated that additional enhancement might be made
to the accessibility of the park to accompany further floorspace.
Taking account of the above, it is considered that the new local plan should seek to maximise the potential of
existing Key Employment Sites, alongside the allocation of new land. Colworth Park offers a considerable
potential to provide a flagship research and development centre within Bedford, capitalising upon its already
well-established focus on scientific research within the food and drink, flavouring, nutrition and fragrance
sectors. The site provides significant scope to accommodate new development to support this existing function
and to further consolidate its position in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc.
The delivery of new floorspace can be considered alongside the potential demolition of existing floorspace;
improvements to the Colworth House as a Grade II Listed Building; and appropriate enhancements to the site's
accessibility. We therefore believe that Colworth Park should be identified within the 'Maintain and Develop'
category, and that the site's capacity should be explored through the preparation of a masterplan.

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