Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
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Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 8968
Received: 03/09/2021
Respondent: East West Railway Company Limited
Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd submit this response to Bedford Borough Council on the Local Plan 2040:
Strategy Options and Draft Policies Consultation on behalf of our client, East West Railway Company
Limited (EWR Co).
As background, EWR Co is the organisation responsible for delivering East West Rail (EWR), a major rail
project aiming to deliver both new and enhanced rail infrastructure to provide frequent, fast, and reliable
rail links for communities between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford, and Cambridge. The latest EWR
proposals were subject to a second round of non-statutory public consultation between 31st March 2021
and 9th June 2021. The EWR documentation library can be found at
The EWR route is split into six sections where improvements are to be made to existing infrastructure, and new connections are to be constructed. The Bedford Local Plan area is located within project Section B:
Bletchley and the Marston Vale Line, Section C: Bedford and Section D: Clapham Green to The
Following the close of the consultation, EWR Co is considering consultees’ feedback and carrying out
further development work to inform the selection of a preferred route alignment in due course, including
on the options presented at the 2021 consultation that would affect Bedford borough.
General information on EWR timeframes
The EWR Project is being delivered in four stages. The first stage (already in operation) has improved the
link between Oxford and Bicester and was completed in 2016. This part of the EWR Project was delivered
by the Chiltern Railway Company Limited and Network Rail under the Chiltern Railways (Bicester to Oxford
Improvements) Order 2012, made under the Transport and Works Act 1992 (TWA 1992).
The second stage (Connection Stage 1) will extend EWR further north and east, allowing services to run
between Oxford and Milton Keynes. Creating this link requires the reinstatement of an out-of-use railway
line between Gavray Junction at Bicester and Bletchley including a new bridge over High Speed 2 (HS2),
a new station at Winslow and two new platforms at Bletchley station. Network Rail obtained the Network
Rail (East West Rail) (Bicester to Bedford Improvements) Order 2020 (the 2020 Order), made under the
TWA 1992.
The 2020 Order authorises the construction, operation and maintenance of works to the railway between
Bicester and Bletchley, and major civil engineering construction work has commenced. These works will
enable the introduction of two trains per hour in each direction between Oxford and Milton Keynes, plus
provide additional freight capacity.
The third stage (Connection Stage 2) would upgrade the existing railway between Oxford and Bedford to
meet the Strategic Objectives set by the Department for Transport (DfT). These works go beyond those
authorised by the 2020 Order obtained by NR, and so will require a new, separate consent. Enhancements
to the railway between Oxford and Bicester, to the Marston Vale Line between Bletchley and Bedford, and
to Bedford Station form part of EWR Co’s proposals.
The fourth stage (Connection Stage 3) would provide an entirely new railway infrastructure between
Bedford and Hauxton. This would facilitate the extension of the Oxford – Bedford services through to
Cambridge and the introduction of a further two trains per hour between Bletchley and Bedford.
Details of the potential enhancements to the existing railway infrastructure were provided as part of the
non-statutory public consultation that was undertaken by EWR Co from March to June 2021. EWR Co will
be undertaking further public consultation in 2022 on the preferred options.
EWR Application Process
The EWR Project has been designated as a nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP). This means
that instead of applying for planning permission from a local authority, permission is given at a national
level by the Government; this is called a Development Consent Order (DCO).
The preferred options are currently being developed for both Connection Stage 2 and Connection Stage
3. EWR Co will develop a red line boundary to encompass all the land required for the construction and
operation of these works, as part of a Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the preferred
options. EWR Co will present further information on its emerging proposals during statutory consultation
which is currently scheduled to take place in 2022.
After this further statutory stage of consultation, EWR Co will submit an application for a DCO to the
Government. The application will then be considered by a single inspector or a panel of inspectors from
the Planning Inspectorate who will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State for Transport on whether the application should be approved. The final decision to grant or refuse the DCO application for
the Project would then be taken by the Secretary of State in line with the National Policy Statement for
National Networks.
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 8969
Received: 03/09/2021
Respondent: East West Railway Company Limited
EWR Co welcomes the four emerging, proposed growth strategy options (2a, 2b, 2c and 2d) identified in
the consultation draft Bedford Local Plan 2040. These growth options are focused on the existing urban
areas and the A421 corridor and are proposed to be aligned with the possible new railway stations
proposed by EWR Co at the non-statutory round of public consultation earlier this year.
The emerging growth strategy options will assist and support EWR Co to meet the Department for
Transport’s Strategic Objectives for East West Rail which are as follows:
• Improve east-west public transport connectivity by providing rail links between key urban areas
(current and anticipated) in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc.
• Stimulate economic growth, housing, and employment through the provision of new, reliable, and
attractive inter-urban passenger train services in the Arc.
• Meet initial forecast passenger demand.
• Consider and plan for future passenger demand, making provision where it is affordable.
• Contribute to improved journey times and inter-regional passenger connectivity by connecting with
north-south routes and routes beyond Oxford and Cambridge.
• Maintain current capacity for rail freight and make appropriate provision for anticipated future growth.
• Provide a sustainable and value for money transport solution to support economic growth in the area.
In respect of the emerging strategy growth options, EWR Co comments as follows:
Growth around Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick
EWR Co supports the growth around Kempston Hardwick and Stewartby as part of growth options 2a, 2b,
2c, and/or 2d.
EWR Co is currently considering two service concepts for the way services will be configured along the
Marston Vale Line once EWR trains are operating. These are to retain and modify the existing ‘all-stations’
train service and introduce limited-stop EWR services (concept 1); or focused services on a smaller
number of consolidated stations to allow an increased number of stopping services (concept 2).
Concept 1 would retain the existing service (in a modified form) and introduce limited-stop Oxford –
Cambridge services. The existing hourly stopping service would continue to serve all Marston Vale Line
stations, with a new limited-stop EWR service calling at two stations – Woburn Sands and Ridgmont – four
times an hour. No changes are currently proposed to the location of the existing Stewartby and Kempston
Hardwick stations in this Concept.
Concept 2 would provide improved services focused on a consolidated number of stations. Stewartby
station would be relocated to a site in the vicinity of the current Broadmead Road level crossing and would
provide access to the railway for the users of the current Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick stations. The
precise location of the new station has not been determined yet but will include associated infrastructure
such as car parks and access roads.
The new station would be well placed to provide access to the railway from both the existing and new
residential areas at Wootton, the West side of Bedford, and the former Stewartby Brickworks site, and
thereby taking pressure off the road network linking these areas to Bedford station. This presents an
opportunity for a partnership with Bedford Borough Council and developers to ensure integrated transport
plans that encourage active travel and reduce traffic are incorporated.
Given the current position, EWR Co would like to be satisfied that any proposed land allocations coming
forward in the Local Plan do not preclude the proposed location under Concept 2 for the relocated
Stewartby station should this concept be selected. It therefore welcomes ongoing discussions with the
Council and advises that the emerging local plan strategy options, policies and proposals retain sufficient
flexibility to ensure that the final preferred strategy growth option aligns with the EWR options that are
ultimately preferred.
Strategic Growth in Bedford Urban Area
EWR Co is supportive of all strategy growth options that propose development in and around Bedford
Urban area. However, the addition of the proposed residential development would result in additional traffic
which would be best served by some upgrades to the east-west and north-south road connectivity near
Bedford station. Easing traffic and improving active travel connectivity into Central Bedford and Bedford
station would complement EWR Co’s aspirations in Central Bedford for first mile / last mile provisions.
EWR Co aspires to enable sustainable transport through new and improved pedestrian and cycle links as
part of its proposals, and therefore supports Bedford Borough Council's provision of new housing in the
locality, welcoming the opportunity to work together on a joined-up approach.
Bedford Station Proposals
Having regard to EWR Co’s preferred solution for the upgrade of the railway and improvements to the
existing Bedford station to the north of Ford End Road, it is recommended that Policy S10 in the existing
Local Plan be reviewed through the local plan review process and be strengthened to facilitate and support
improved pedestrian and cycling linkages in the vicinity of Bedford Station.
An alternative solution for a new station south of Ford End Road is also being considered. Policy 12 of the
existing Local Plan may need to be reviewed should this concept be selected.
Further detail on these proposals was presented as part of the Non-Statutory Consultation and can be
found in the Consultation Technical Report at section 8.4.
Relocation of Bedford St Johns Station
Option 1 proposes a new station a short distance to the West of the existing station site. Option 2 proposes
a new station to the South of the existing station. Both options are shown on Figure 1. Further detail on
these proposals was presented as part of the Non-Statutory Consultation and can be found in the
Consultation Technical Report at section 8.3.
New policy in the emerging Local Plan 2040 will be required to support the delivery of Option 1 if it is
selected. This new policy would need to focus future development in the area to the north-east of the
proposed rail alignment which would continue to support the Council’s aspirations to secure improvements
to the wider public realm and improved pedestrian and cycling connections to the town centre. Policy 14
of the adopted local plan proposes that land to the south of the river is developed for residential uses and
a mix of retail, business and community uses to support a new neighbourhood.
Option 2 is less advantageous in supporting development in the emerging local plan. However, should the
relocation of St John’s station to the south of the existing station emerge as EWR Co’s preferred option,
then land for the relocated St Johns station will need to be safeguarded in a new and/or amended local
plan policy and on the revised proposal map.
EWR Co therefore recommends that Bedford Borough Council includes a policy supporting EWR Co’s
proposals to enhance the rail network in Bedford in the emerging Local Plan, in particular proposals for
improvements to Bedford station to increase network capacity and to improve the design and quality of
facilities. The local plan’s proposals should retain sufficient flexibility at this early stage to allow for EWR
Co emerging proposals. In due course a policy will be required to safeguard land for the provision of a
relocated Bedford St Johns station in the Local Plan 2040. The policy requirement should require that any
development coming forward within the safeguarded area does not prejudice the delivery and
implementation of EWR Co’s proposals.
Local Plan 2040 Draft Plan - Strategy options and draft policies consultation
Representation ID: 8970
Received: 03/09/2021
Respondent: East West Railway Company Limited
EWR Co’s proposed track alignment south of Ford End Road Bridge may require the relocation of some
of the existing railway sidings in that area (known as Jowett Sidings).
EWR Co is currently exploring different solutions to the layout in this area. This exercise has highlighted a
potential opportunity to use additional railway land for residential or other development. Such further
development would require the relocation of additional sidings beyond those which need to be relocated
to facilitate the EWR scheme. The necessary works to facilitate this additional development are beyond
the scope of the EWR scheme. However, EWR Co would support such a scheme were it to be taken
forward by Bedford Borough Council and / or Network Rail. EWR Co recognises that there could be
benefits (such as an overall reduction in construction-related disruption) in the delivery of such a scheme
being co-ordinated with the delivery of the EWR works in the Bedford area and would be prepared to work
with the relevant parties to assist with this co-ordination.
EWR welcomes the emerging growth development options set out in the emerging Bedford Local Plan
2040. These appear in principle to align with EWR Co’s proposed route alignment and station options as
set in non-statutory consultation undertaken earlier this year.
EWR Co welcomes ongoing discussions with the Council and requests that the emerging local plan
strategy options, policies and proposals retain sufficient flexibility to ensure that the final preferred strategy
growth options align with the preferred EWR options, due to be consulted on in 2022. Bedford Council
should note that at this stage it is considered that adopted Policy S14 in the Bedford Local Plan 2030 is
likely to need to be replaced or supplemented by a revised or new local plan policy in the emerging Local
Plan 2040 to take account of EWR Co proposals for St Johns Station.