Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

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Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Policy DS6 Opportunity Sites

Representation ID: 9583

Received: 29/07/2022

Respondent: Aragon Land and Planning

Agent: Aragon Land and Planning

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The proposals map is proposed to be revised to now take account of the recent grant of the residential housing extension to the rear of the G11 listed Cardington hangers.

The residential allocation is identified in the plan as The Former DVSA site HOU18, although the SPA boundary is taken to the end of the housing development site. It is not totally clear the methodology applied to forming the SPA in this manner. A more defensible line and longer term line would be to include the land as identified below.

Further new housing allocations are made at HOU17 Land at College Farm Shortstown. On this basis Shortstown would be better identified as a group 1 or key service centre settlement in the settlement hierarchy.

It would make some sustainable sense to allocate land close to the housing allocations which could provide for sustainable and complimentary uses like employment to provide jobs in close proximity to the housing,
This settlement line should be extended to include the proposed land. The land has potential to come forward for either housing or employment purposes.

The site in view of its close proximity to and existing housing allocation should be able to be considered as an opportunity site and should be included, or accepted as being within in the urban area. Although the policy recognises sites in the urban area, other sites such as brownfield sites, or sites within close proximity to the Settlement Policy Areas, but out with should be considered as opportunity sites.

The employment strategy recognises employment sites need to show some flexibility and the site has the potential to support the adjacent film/music/arts which are now significant contributors to the local economy. The potential for cluster or spin out businesses needs to be supported by the local plan.

Excluding other sustainable sites prevents DS 6 being effective in identifying sustainable locations for future development.


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