Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
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Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
Policy HOU18 Land at Former DVSA Site, Shortstown
Representation ID: 9379
Received: 29/07/2022
Respondent: Gareth Adam, Homes England
Agent: Stantec
Homes England is supportive of Policy HOU18 Land at former DVSA Site, Shortstown.
NB text in single quotation marks below is lifted verbatim from the Local Plan, text not in single quotation marks is our suggested response.
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
‘Policy HOU18 Land at Former DVSA Site, Shortstown
4.89 Following the closure of the DVSA at Shortstown, the site is now available for redevelopment. The site is surrounded by residential development to the north and west and is suitable for residential use. The site is however adjacent to the Grade II* listed Cardington Airship sheds and this will need to be taken into consideration.’
We support this policy and confirm that:
• The site is available, suitable and deliverable for residential redevelopment early in the plan period;
• Extensive engagement with the Council, other key stakeholders and the public is underway in respect of masterplan options and design code principles. Further engagement will follow, as outline development proposals emerge; and
• An outline planning application for up to 250 dwellings, anticipated to be submitted in December 2022, will have full and proper regard to the outcome of the engagement process and also to the key principles set out in both Policy HOU18 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
‘Land at the former DVSA site, Shortstown will be developed for residential use. Key principles of development include:
i. Preparation by the applicant of a masterplan and design code to be completed prior to and submitted with any planning application and to accord with the South of Bedford strategic framework;'
A masterplan and a design code will be submitted with the forthcoming outline planning application. Both will accord with the South of Bedford strategic framework and have full regard to the outcome of the extensive engagement currently underway with the Council, other key stakeholders and the public.
'ii. Provision of a mix of dwelling types and sizes;'
Whilst the initial planning application will be in outline form only, with all matters reserved except access, it will include indicative details showing how a mix of dwelling types and sizes can be achieved, with the definitive details of housing mix to follow when reserved matters submissions are made.
'iii. Submission of a Transport Assessment to include measures to mitigate impact of the development on the local and strategic route network and to maximise opportunities for sustainable travel;’
A comprehensive Transport Assessment will form part of the forthcoming outline planning application. The Transport Assessment will include measures to mitigate the impact of the development on the local and strategic route network and to maximise opportunities for sustainable travel. The Assessment will also have full regard to the outcome of the current process of engagement with both the local highway authority and the local planning authority.
‘iv. Provision of a mobility hub;’
The indicative details of layout within the forthcoming outline planning application will make provision for a mobility hub commensurate in nature and location with the scale of the proposed development. It is envisaged that the mobility hub will include appropriate provision for cycle/ motorcycle storage and charging facilities for electric vehicles, with definitive details to follow when reserved matters submissions are made.
‘v. Provision of a footway and cycleway to link in with the existing network and adjacent sites;’
Full details of access will be submitted for formal determination as part of the forthcoming outline planning application, to include provision of a footway and cycleway to link in with the existing network and adjacent sites.
‘vi. Development should preserve and, where opportunities arise, enhance heritage assets and their setting, including:
• Grade II* Cardington Sheds 1 and 2
• Grade II Cardington Railway Station
• Cardington Conservation Area’
A thorough Heritage Assessment is being prepared for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application and this assessment, together with indicative details of proposed scale, layout, appearance and landscaping, will show how the proposed development will preserve and, where possible, enhance all relevant heritage assets and their setting. The Heritage Assessment and indicative details as described will have regard to engagement already underway with Historic England and will also set the appropriate heritage context for future reserved matters submissions.
‘vii. Pre-determination archaeological evaluation will be required;’
An archaeological assessment is being prepared for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application.
‘viii. Financial contributions to secondary school provision;’
Details of likely Section 106 Planning Obligation Heads of Terms will be submitted with the forthcoming outline planning application. The Heads of Terms will reflect the outcome of future engagement with the local education authority and will include financial contributions to secondary school provision if it can be shown that such contributions meet the tests set out in Regulation 122(2) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 i.e., that they are:
a) necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
b) directly related to the development; and
c) fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
‘ix. Contaminated land assessment to be submitted with the planning application;’
A Phase 1 contaminated land assessment is being prepared, for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application.
‘x. Habitat survey required as the site is identified as high risk for Great Crested Newts;’
A Phase 1 habitat survey, including assessment of habitats for Great Crested Newts, is already being prepared, for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application. The survey and assessment will also have regard to the outcome of future engagement with the County Ecologist.
‘xi. Contribution to the Forest of Marston Vale with a minimum of 30% tree cover to be provided on the site;’
A masterplan and Design Code for the proposed development at the site are currently evolving through stakeholder and public engagement and will ultimately be submitted with the forthcoming outline planning application. Those documents will recognise the contribution to the Forest of Marston Vale.
‘xii. A site specific flood risk assessment will be needed and mitigation required for all sources of flood risk where necessary;
Opportunities to reduce surface water run-off and flood risk on and off site should be identified;’
A comprehensive and site-specific flood risk assessment is being prepared, for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application, and this will have regard to any necessary mitigation required for all sources of flood risk and to opportunities to reduce surface water run-off and flood risk on and off site. The assessment will also reflect the outcome of future engagement being undertaken with the Council as Lead Local Flood Authority.
‘xiii. Delivery of a low carbon and environmentally resilient development that is adaptive to and resilient to climate change;’
A comprehensive Energy and Sustainability Assessment is being prepared for submission with the forthcoming outline planning application, which will demonstrate how the proposed development will deliver a low carbon and environmentally resilient development that is adaptive to and resilient to climate change. The assessment will also reflect the outcome of current engagement being undertaken with the Council and other key stakeholders in this regard.
‘xiv. Early engagement with Anglian Water is required in order to identify connection to water network infrastructure.’
Engagement with Anglian Water is taking place in order to identify connection to water network infrastructure and the outcome of such engagement will be reflected in the emerging masterplan and design code and details will be confirmed in a Utilities Assessment to be submitted with the forthcoming outline planning application.
Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
Policy DM1(S) Affordable housing
Representation ID: 9380
Received: 29/07/2022
Respondent: Gareth Adam, Homes England
Agent: Stantec
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM1(S); the proposed development at Shortstown will reflect the requirements of Policy DM1(S).
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM1(S); the proposed development at Shortstown will reflect the requirements of Policy DM1(S).
Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
Policy DM3(S) Housing mix
Representation ID: 9381
Received: 29/07/2022
Respondent: Gareth Adam, Homes England
Agent: Stantec
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM3(S); the proposed development at Shortstown will reflect the requirements of Policy DM3(S).
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM3(S); the proposed development at Shortstown will reflect the requirements of Policy DM3(S).
Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
Policy DM5 Self-build and custom housebuilding
Representation ID: 9382
Received: 29/07/2022
Respondent: Gareth Adam, Homes England
Agent: Stantec
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM5. For clarity, Homes England recommends that the wording be changed from ‘Self-build and custom housebuilding...’ to ‘Self-build or custom housebuilding…’ throughout the policy as detailed in bullet points i. to viii.
Homes England is responding in its capacity as the Government’s housing accelerator and as landowner of the former Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) site, Shortstown, Bedford.
Homes England is generally supportive of Policy DM5. For clarity, Homes England recommends that the wording be changed from ‘Self-build and custom housebuilding...’ to ‘Self-build or custom housebuilding…’ throughout the policy as detailed in bullet points i. to viii.