Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
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Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission
Policy EMP4 Land south of Goldington Road, Bedford
Representation ID: 9910
Received: 28/07/2022
Respondent: Newcrest Bedford Limited
Agent: Town Planning Services
Newcrest Bedford Limited supports the proposed allocation of land south of Goldington Road, Bedford for employment purposes as set out in the proposed Policy EMP4.
It is considered that the site can make an important and significant contribution to the provision of employment land and the creation of jobs within Bedford. The site is the subject of a current application for outline planning permission (Reference 20/00076/MAO). The application seeks permission for the:
" … Demolition of existing workshop premises and development of land for employment purposes with up to 21,500sqm gross internal floorspace, comprising a mix of B1a 'Offices', B1c 'Light Industrial', B2 'General Industrial' and B8 'Storage and Distribution' uses, together with parking provision and landscaping, alterations to existing access, creation of landscaped area and associated works. Outline application with all matters reserved except access … "
The Council's assessment of the site is set out within the Council's 'Site Assessment's Proforma' June 2021. We would broadly concur with the appraisal set out within this. In particular, we would note:
• The site could provide 21,500 sqm gross floorspace;
• The site is well-related to the existing urban area;
• The existing road can provide an 'efficient and safe access point';
• There are no highway capacity issues or access constraints;
• The site occupies a sustainable location and is accessible by public transport; and
• There is scope to enhance pedestrian accessibility.
We would similarly not identify any overriding constraints that would prevent the development of the land. For example, it is not within any designated landscape or site of nature conservation importance. While there are heritage assets within the vicinity, a detailed Heritage Impact Assessment was submitted in support of the outline application (Orion 'Heritage Desk Based Assessment' 2019). An archaeological investigation has also been undertaken including intrusive field work and submitted to the Local Planning Authority (AOC Archaeology Group 'Archaeological Evaluation Report' 2022). These demonstrate that there are no unacceptable impacts on heritage assets, that would prevent the allocation and development of the site.
In support of the site, it is considered that:
• The development could generate significant number of employment opportunities;
• The site provides an area of high quality employment land to the east of Bedford;
• It will consolidate and enhance existing employment and commercial uses in this area;
• Landscape and biodiversity improvements can be delivered within the site;
• Development can positively contribute to objectives of the Bedford River Valley Park; and
• The site is highly accessible and offers good access to the strategic road network.
For the above reasons, Policy EMP4 'Land South of Goldington Road' and the allocation of the site for employment purposes is supported.
The proposed allocation is consistent with the existing provisions within the adopted 'Bedford Local Plan' and in particular:
• Policy 3S 'Spatial Strategy';
• Policy 72S 'Additional Strategic Employment Development';
• Policy AD24 'Green Infrastructure Opportunity Zones'; and
• Policy AD26 'Bedford River Valley Park'.
The development of the site also complies with more detailed policies concerning matters of development management.
Similarly, the allocation of the site complies with the provisions and advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.