Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

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Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Policy HOU3 Land at Ampthill Road, Bedford

Representation ID: 9919

Received: 29/07/2022

Respondent: WN Developments Ltd

Agent: Tetra Tech Planning

Representation Summary:

Tetra Tech Planning have been instructed by Glashill Ltd to make representations to the Regulation 19 consultation on the draft Local Plan 2040.
We wish to comment on the proposed allocation of Land at Ampthill Road under draft Policy HOU3. The site, which has been vacant since 2000, comprises an irregular shaped parcel of land, which extends to 7.11 hectares in size. The site was previously occupied by the Krupp Camford Works and is therefore previously developed land (PDL). The site is located approximately 1.9km south/south-west of Bedford town centre fronting onto the Ampthill Road, a principal arterial route into Bedford town centre.
The site is within Flood Zone 1 and not deemed at risk of flooding from fluvial sources, although some potential for surface water flooding has been identified on the southern sections.
There are no known protected ecological sites within or surrounding the site. Within the site there are several groups of mature trees. There is one TPO protected tree within the site area.
There are no listed buildings or other heritage assets within the site. The nearest listed building is at Bedford Hospital to the north of the site, and a further cluster to the south-east around the Moot Hall at Elstow.
For the avoidance of doubt, the site is not located within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The site is not located within the Green Belt or a designated Conservation Area.
Due to the site’s location at the edge of Bedford town centre, the site is within easy reach of key services and facilities, including, but not limited to:
• Bus stops located on Ampthill Road within a 100m walking distance of the site, with the
central bus station within a 2km walk of the site;
• Bedford St John’s station within 1km walking of the site, with Bedford Rail Station within a 2km walk;
• Local retailers (Aldi, Morrisons) immediately adjacent to the site;
• Local nursery and primary schools within 400m (Southway Early Childhood Centre to the south and Cauldwell School to the north respectively); and
• Medical facilities within 800m (Bedford Hospital, Cauldwell Medical Centre).
There are no Public Rights of Way within the red line of the site. However, private access rights exist to serve the following uses:
• Network Rail – for access to the Depot; and
• Morrisons – for servicing.
The site is not located within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) but is within close proximity to the Bedford Town Centre AQMA north of the site.
The site has been subject to a number of planning applications and extensive pre-application engagement with the LPA has occurred over the years. The site was identified as an Opportunity Site in Policy 26 of the adopted Local Plan 2030 which stated that the site had redevelopment potential for housing. Therefore, we fully support the draft allocation of the site in the emerging Local Plan 2040 for a mixed use, residential-led development.
On 27th July 2022, a full planning application was submitted on site for the redevelopment of the site consisting of 508 dwellings (Use Class C3) to include 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in a series of 7 separate buildings varying from 5 to 8 storeys, with associated surface and undercroft car parking, cycle parking, servicing and plant, 2 storey 96-bed care home building (Use Class C2), 2 storey Advance Technology Building (Use Class E), single storey Drive Thru Coffee Shop (Use Class Eb), surface car parking, on site open space, pedestrian and vehicle access, landscaping and all associated works (reference: PP-11419822).
The site is therefore suitable, available and deliverable for the development as described in the wording of the emerging allocation and provides a significant number of benefits including open space/public parks, access for teachers to the school car park and a pedestrian access for students to the school, significant landscaping, play areas, an appropriate housing mix and affordable housing. Furthermore, all of the necessary technical work has already been undertaken and pending planning permission being granted, the site is available to be built out straightaway and readily, meaningfully contribute to housing land supply. In addition to this, the
site is within single ownership.
We therefore believe that the site is a strong choice for allocation and should remain within the Local Plan 2040.
We agree with the proposed wording for Policy HOU3, save for the “provision of a mobility hub” listed in subsection vi, and suggest that this be modified to state, “provision of a development accessed by a range of means of sustainable transport options”. We therefore request to speak at the Examination in Public to discuss the exact wording for Policy HOU3.


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