Question 6
In terms of capitalising on improved public transport links and also to re-purpose the town centre consideration should be given to the role that the town centre could play as a employment destination.
7.1 As already noted, the A421 corridor is the logical location for additional employment growth in Bedford Borough. There may also be opportunities for employment growth close to new rail stations and within new settlements should these form part of the future development strategy. 7.2 However, it should be recognised that many residents of Bedford Borough are likely to travel outside of the Borough for work given the proximity to major employment centres such as Cambridge and Milton Keynes and the ability to reach London via train. 7.3 It is therefore important to ensure that not only are employment sites located in sustainable locations within the Borough but that the overall development strategy recognises that many residents will travel for work. This means it is important the new homes are located in rural settlements with good highway access and in close proximity to rail stations.
Provision for new employment sites is supported. It is considered that new employment sites should be focused near or close to key transport interchanges, where possible.
7.1 The location of employment sites is critical to their success; far more so than housing. In general terms, wherever homes are allocated, they tend to be built and purchased. However, if an employment allocation is put in the wrong location, it may never be realised. Employment site needs are far more specific than housing needs in many ways, and therefore it is vital that employment land is allocated in the most appropriate locations to meet market needs. 7.2 In this region, the strategic road network encourages the growth of large ‘sheds’ – i.e. B8 uses. Whilst historically these were viewed as less skilled, in modern times they now include a large proportion of skilled workers, as their needs and demands have changed. Technicians, programmers and skilled engineers are commonplace in such facilities, whilst they frequently include ancillary offices, with some company HQs located within these facilities. 7.3 Therefore, locations such as those close to the strategic road and rail network are prime locations for such development and should be the focus of future employment allocations. 7.4 AWEL proposes that the land at Broadmead, Marston Vale, is one such suitable, sustainable and deliverable location for a significant new employment site in the Borough. Arrow Planning on behalf of AWEL LOCAL PLAN REVIEW ISSUES AND OPTIONS CONSULTATION 6 7.5 Our submission to the Call for Sites process is set out in more detail within those submissions. In summary, the proposed employment site at Broadmead is a 96ha site for strategic employment development. At this scale, it would be capable of delivering in the region of 335,000sqm of gross employment floor space in an excellent location for strategic employment growth. 7.6 Located adjacent to the railway line, the Broadmead Site is in a sustainable location where it can be accessed by sustainable, nonvehicular means of transport. Employees and visitors could access the site by rail, whilst it is also a commutable cycling distance from Stewartby, Wixams and Wootton. 7.7 A copy of the Call for Sites submission is enclosed within this Statement at Appendix 2.
Future retail strategy and hierarchy and employment are likely to be cross-boundary issues that require consideration through the development of the respective plans.
1.22. In addition to new residential growth achieving sustainable development includes building: “…..a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right types is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth, innovation and improved productivity; and by identifying and coordinating the provision of infrastructure;” (NPPF paragraph 8(a)) 1.23. The NPPF (paragraph 80) requires that new planning policies help create the conditions in which businesses can invest, expand and adapt. The Government places significant weight on the need to support economic growth and productivity, taking into account both local business needs and wider opportunities for development. 1.24. In terms of the preferred strategy for economic growth the Estate hold similar views to that set out above regarding housing growth (Question 4) i.e. that this should follow a mixed approach but with a focus on the ‘Yellow’ A421 corridor and ‘Brown’ urban expansion options. 1.25. This would reflect the NIC’s locational growth strategy for this area over the next 30 years. In ‘Partnering for Prosperity’ (November 2017), when discussing the employment needs in the corridor the NIC report advises: “…..the area could support around 335,000 new jobs to 2050, increasing economic output by around £85bn per annum (2011 prices). However, by meeting future needs and removing the constraints to growth arising from the area’s housing shortage the area could sustain a transformational level of growth, supporting around 1.1m new jobs and increasing economic output by £163bn per annum.” (Page 25) 1.26. Most specifically when discussing locational requirements for the new employment growth the report states “……..major urban extensions – for example, between Oxford and Milton Keynes, and between Bedford and Cambridge………….. unlocking growth in and around Bedford,…….“ 6 PHILLIPS PLANNING SERVICES LTD 1.27. On page 36 the report comments that the key opportunities for growth over the next 30 years could include: “…major development around Bedford, supported through the introduction of East West Rail services and the wider connections that exist via the Midland Mainline;” 1.28. This guidance is clear i.e. that growth should be favoured in locations close to the A421 and as extensions of Bedford. The Estate land around the A421 / Renhold / Great Barford junctions on the east side of the town is perfectly situated in this regard.
1.20. There are successful employment areas on the east side of Bedford (Elms Farm & Viking Estates) within a short walking or cycling distance of Renhold. These estates also have good access to the A421 and so links to the M1 (junction 13) and A1 (Black Cat Roundabout). It is considered that further employment development would be best located along the A421 corridor and close to key junctions points to the A421.
1.19. There are a number of successful employment areas in and around the Bedford Urban area. There are also significant opportunities to the south of the town along the A421 corridor utilising Brownfield land. 5 PHILLIPS PLANNING SERVICES LTD 1.20. A mix of new sites is required including larger strategic sites linked to the wider growth aims of the arc and also some smaller more locally focussed development which assists in maintaining the sustainability and so viability of smaller settlements.
2.12 MGH recognises that there have been significant shifts in working practices in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, they recommend that allocations for employment land be flexible enough to allow other complimentary uses, including some residential where appropriate, if they are demonstrated as being unviable for employment uses.
6.1 O&H consider that any new employment sites in the Borough need to be located close to areas of housing growth as well as close to existing infrastructure and/or committed new infrastructure. 6.2 Taking this approach, the most appropriate place to locate new employment sites in the Borough is the Marston Vale and Kempston area where there is already a spine of existing infrastructure along with a range of commitments for new infrastructure and housing growth. 6.3 Furthermore, the Authority have allocated £14 million of capital funding for construction of the proposed Wixams Parkway Station and plan to recoup the costs from non-fare rail revenues (parking charges, rent from retail concessions etc.). The targeted opening date for the station is late 2023. To make best use of this investment O&H consider it crucial to plan for employment and residential development within close proximity and ensure patronage is of a level that, in the first instance, further justifies the business case for this new station and then sustains the long-term future of this new service once operational. 6.4 In short, allocating more employment sites in the Marston Vale and Kempston area would contribute to achieving the vision for the Wixams Parkway Station proposed station. 6.5 More specifically, O&H responded to the Authority’s ‘Call for Sites’ consultation on 14 August 2020 to put forward five sites that are completely within O&H’s ownership which could be developed during the emerging Plan period. Of the five sites, ‘CP Farm’ and ‘Land East of the Junction of Green Lane and Bedford Road’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Green Lane’) offers the opportunity for a range of employment / commercial uses (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8). 6.5.1 CP Farm has the potential for circa 1 million sq ft of general employment land. It is located immediately to the south of the Marsh Leys Industrial Area and close to Wootton where there is considerable housing and commercial development already underway. 6.6 Green Lane comprises a parcel of land east of the Junction of Green Lane and Bedford Road, located approximately 1 mile east of Stewartby. Existing employment development is situated immediately to the east (GRT Builders Ltd) and west (Copart UK Limited - Head Office) of Green Lane with the now downgraded C94 road immediately adjacent to the north. Green Lane also benefits from a location in close proximity to the allocated and approved employment site, Marston Vale Innovation Park. 6.7 Development of Green Lane would represent minor infilling and contribute to achieving a comprehensive semi-rural linear employment offer adjacent to the C94 in this location.
A realistic plan for business growth in Bedford needs to be established which reflects development across the wider Oxford-Cambridge Arc. This should seek out niche areas well suited to Bedford’s geographical position and traditional skills, and where there is a likelihood of attracting investment. New employment sites should be allocated close to the strategic road network south of Bedford where there is abundant flat land, a concentration of existing businesses, most new residential development (thereby minimising commuting distances) and connectivity via Midland mainline and EWR stations. The potential dualling of the Bedford Western by-pass would reinforce the strategic importance of the highway network to the west, south and east of town. Any expansion of warehousing should require careful attention to traffic flow and ease of access to major throughways (such as A421 and the proposed Expressway). The siting and design of new employment sites should reflect the demand for informal work-spaces with good communications and pleasing surroundings in order to attract new and innovative enterprises and the associated high achievers.
It is considered that generally, employment sites (including those within the new E Use Class), should be located within sustainable locations within close proximity to the potential workforce, public transport and the road network. As set out within our answers above, we believe FCC’s site at Elstow South is sustainably located to deliver a large scale (120,000m2) strategic employment development. The Site is located on the edge of the urban area. It is bordered by deciduous tree belts to the east, south and west and by the Council owned landfill to the north. The A6 trunk road runs close by to the east. Recently built residential properties at Wixams are located to the southeast, with an extensive industrial estate immediately to the west of these. A large area south-west of the Site is being developed for further employment development. Further west beyond the railway line is a large site known as Bedford Business Park. A planning application is pending for the development of 233,360m2 of B2 and B8 floorspace. The site is therefore located in a highly sustainable location in close proximity to the urban area of Bedford, existing residents at Wixams in the south and would help to achieve further economic growth within this area. FCC’s second employment site is located at Stewartby Landfill site is shown on Figure 3. This site is located on the edge of the settlement of Stewartby. The land to the east of the Site is allocated within the existing Bedford Local Plan for a large scale residential led development which will includes 1,000 new homes, 1.31 hectares of employment land, a new primary school and pre-school and community facilities including retail. Therefore, the development of this site for additional employment uses would complement the existing development proposed within this area. Both of the site’s FCC are promoting for employment development are located within close proximity to the borough’s large scale residential allocations at the Stewartby Brickworks and Wixams. The sites will be available within the plan period to deliver significant employment floorspace and further growth within these areas and are promoted through the Call for Sites.
7.1 Employment land must be allocated alongside housing growth. This will promote sustainable growth. Bedford Borough is well located with a central position in close proximity to the major road and rail arteries of the country. Furthermore, it is close to a number of mayor cities and towns including London and is located in the centre of the Arc. It is therefore ideally placed for many businesses. In order to attract business, it is important that the employment premises are fit for purpose, but also that there is appropriate infrastructure including transport links, services and facilities that support the workforce. 7.2 As already noted, the A421 corridor is the logical location for additional employment growth in Bedford Borough. There may also be opportunities for employment growth close to new rail stations, should these form part of the future development strategy. 7.3 Development at Roxton is ideally located to the existing and proposed transport infrastructure. It is particularly suited to Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) given the location. Furthermore, supporting services and facilities could be located within the site.
Provision for new employment sites is supported. It is considered that new employment sites should be focused near or close to key transport interchanges, where possible.
6.1 As already noted, the A421 corridor is the logical location for additional employment growth in Bedford Borough. There may also be opportunities for employment growth close to new rail stations, should these form part of the future development strategy. 6.2 Development at Cotton End could provide additional employment land to support and compliment the existing businesses in the area, it is proposed that smaller units are provided to support the large businesses, in particular the Cardington Hangers and their use for film, TV, media, etc.. This employment area could be expanded on within close proximity to new homes and help facilitate growth in this sector. A smaller scale employment area would also provide variety in the market and encourage fledgling businesses to grow within the district. 6.3 It is important to ensure that a range of business units are provided within Bedford Borough to encourage a range of businesses. Employment areas should be well located to the existing road network as well as near high quality housing.
We believe that the major employment sites should be close to major roads and major housing areas, minimising commuting. Businesses with frequent movement of large vehicles should remain close to road arteries and not be allowed to operate from typically cheaper sites in rural areas where the road network is inadequate.
42. Our response to this question relates solely to the Colworth Science Park, (which is surrounded by the CGV promotion site and was included as part of the Colworth proposed allocation in the previous Local Plan process), a leading site for commercial research and development. It is home to Unilever’s Scientific Research in discovery, central product safety, sustainability and global product development activities as well as a range of other growing business organisations and academic research groups. The proposals for CGV include the provision of around 7 hectares of land to allow for future expansion of the Park.
Employment sites need to go with housing and on brownfield sites where possible. The policy regarding warehouse infrastructure needs to be rethought. If we are to attract highly skilled jobs we need infrastructure that enables that to happen. To attract the people that are highly trained and academics we need the creative sector, the cultural sector, high quality green spaces, good housing design a vibrant town centre and a rural environment that is easily accessible.
New employment site must be located close to the urban centre and transport connectivity. Despite promises from both Government and the Borough, the deplorable level of internet connection outside Bedford town remains an embarrassment. The Borough Council will not be able to attract new employers to the area unless it can guarantee first class internet connection to rival Oxford and Cambridge, together with efficient transport links.
The current local plan focuses on urban employment including offices/distribution/manufacturing but does not consider rural employment. The equestrian industry is second largest rural economic sector after agriculture so should be taken into account for the new employment sites located in Bedford Borough.
Thurleigh Airfield is an established business park and an existing allocated employment site, classified as Protect and Enhance, in the Local Plan 2030. St Modwen support Thurleigh Airfield’s continued allocation for employment use, classified as Protect and Enhance.
If the Local Plan is to proceed with the red or brown options, new employment should be delivered in line with proposed Rushden/ St Neots urban extensions or the chosen new settlement(s) to provide sustainability.
The location of new employment sites should be consistent with the best overall strategy for growth – in our opinion, a suitable combination of the Pink and Yellow options as indicated above in response to Question 4. Since the introduction of mandatory district-wide local plans about thirty years ago one of the greatest difficulties in most areas has been in securing enough employment and achieving a suitable balance between housing and employment growth in sectors which require the allocation of significant amounts of land. Accessibility is the key. It follows that employment sites should be at a large scale and well related to the major road network. Land west of (and indeed adjacent to) the A1 at Wyboston meets both of these criteria: a site capable of accommodating over 50,000 square metres of employment floorspace can certainly be regarded as large scale in this context. The Yellow option generally provides the best opportunity to meet requirements for new jobs.
Same answer - by the A421 - unless the BBC wants traffic chaos everywhere.
Between Bedford and the M1. Around Colworth Park
Brownfield sites should be prioritised and employment should be accessible by walking/cycling & public transport. There should be design standards for commercial sites to improve sustainability e.g. solar panels on warehouses and these standards should cover landscaping, green space and biodiversity. The Local Plan would need to link in with the Town Centre Strategy
1. Bromham - MK Corridor; 2. Milton Ernest - Thurleigh - Ravensden area. 3. A6 area, north and north east of Bedford
Esisting sites need to be better used.
In suitable areas within the Brown, Yellow and Pink of your growth plan but always use up suitable brownfield sites first.
New employment sites should be allocated close to the strategic road network south of Bedford where there is abundant flat land, a concentration of existing businesses, most new residential development (thereby minimising commuting distances) and connectivity via Midland mainline and EWR stations. The potential dualling of the Bedford western by-pass would reinforce the strategic importance of the highway network to the west, south and east of the town and accessibility to major employment sites. New large scale employment sites should not be located in the relatively isolated countryside and sensitive landscape north of Bedford. Any such sites should only meet local needs and be supported through the Neighbourhood Planning process.