Question 6

Showing forms 1 to 30 of 182
Form ID: 8

The Council would like to see encouragement of more centres of excellence such as Colworth Park to be part of the development of the A421 corridor which has good traffic links

Form ID: 26

Manton Industrial estate and between Kemptson (s) and Bedford

Form ID: 37

Along existing main routes but taking account of the fact that these are oftern near to existing housing and the light pollution and noise and particularly increased traffic do have an effect on those living nearby.

Form ID: 48

town centre should be used better

Form ID: 63

Employment sites should be located along the A421 corridor, with a station proposed at Wixams new employment sites could be placed nearby to allow public transport to be used, or the A421 if in a car. Bus routes could also offer a good service to sites along the A421 A new settlement at Wyboston could have a large employment site built in

Form ID: 89

Alongside the proposed A421 improvements and the new rail link.

Form ID: 100

A6 north and south of Bedford, A421 between Bedford and Black Cat Roundabout and North of Bedford

Form ID: 118

I do not have adequate relevant knowledge to enable me to make any useful comment.

Form ID: 131

Spend time and effort to promote employment growth in communities Promote commuter services and advertise to tech industry - offer incentives for head offices to relocate - backed up with the idyllic village lifestyle for senior managers

Form ID: 145

We have a number of light industrial sites around Bedford which could be used. However, if we are to bring people into Bedford, then something needs to be done about Bedford town centre. Even before Covid19, the town was already losing footfall and on speaking to many shopkeepers, it was the rents that the Council charge which means traders are not prepared to set up shop here. There needs to be a scheme to introduce more flexible retail schemes, such as using empty spaces for pop up stores on a Saturday, or using large empty department stores as rentable office space (much like Manton Heights). While there are restaurants on the edge of town, there are few open on Silver Street or Harpur Street (near the Harpur Centre). These may provide entertainment and employment. On some of the disused areas in town, you could use empty shipping containers as office space (like the ones in London) OR - as shelter for those sleeping rough.

Form ID: 174

Within easy access of public transport use to minimise congestion.

Form ID: 188

Empty retail space in town centre.

Form ID: 217

Thurleigh Business Park/Twinwoods could become centres of excellence like Colworth

Form ID: 244

What evidence is there that new employment sites will be required? How do you arrive at that? Please let me know. Employment is varied, if schools are built then that will be an employment site, if care homes are built it is the same. Others will journey to their employment in London, Cambridge, Oxford, Northampton, wherever.

Form ID: 295

I think there will probably be less need for employment sites as more people will be working from home now that they have got used to it during the pandemic.

Form ID: 307


Form ID: 323


Form ID: 334

A421 corridor. The council can also attract businesses by controlling or capping rents landlords charge as there are many existing units that are empty, for example Saxon Centre in Kempston. If a unit is empty because its rents are too high, they should be capped. If units are consistently empty as they are not provided fit for purpose and the landlord won't develop, they should be compulsorily purchased and redeveloped appropriately and affordably and not for profit.

Form ID: 356

This is the most difficult question as working practices have changed dramatically in the last four months. This has to be about how we want to work now and how we will want to work up to 2040. Again a different perspective may be needed - - how will we encourage working from home to reduce traffic, congestion and improve the environment? - can we adopt greater use of internet / culture cafes in previously retail areas to provide flexible work spaces - how can we re-purpose existing commercial and industrial sites? - given the type of employment we have how much can be accommodated through flexible working and working from home? - Focus what development we will need on existing sites but looking to reduce travel times, congestion , flexible working hours and a reduced requirement to travel to work at all.

Form ID: 376

Little Staughton due to close proximity to the railway links proposed in the Oxford/Cambridge Arc.

Form ID: 389

This would be best developed in conjunction with the East-West rail development.

Form ID: 421

Empty / unused existing sites should be prioritised and repurposed if necessary before any new employment sites are considered.

Form ID: 498

Next to the railway stations.

Form ID: 544

Along the 421 corridor

Form ID: 557

The Town Centre as a shopping area is finished. This area needs to be developed into dwellings and relevant employment sites. Stop wasting money on trying to develop the town centre as a shopping area.

Form ID: 572

Along A421.

Form ID: 621

Oxford Cambridge arc, and existing brown field redevelopment.

Form ID: 622

A421 corridor and those areas where there are good transport links - to include rivers and canals, cycleways and rail links

Form ID: 654

The focus of new employment sites is likely to be within Bedford town and associated urban area.

Form ID: 669

It there continues to be a demise of the high street the premises could be used for new employment and office sites. Although it will be a shame to lose our high street.