Question 6
Proposals for employment sites need to be considered in relation with proposals for the town centre, transport and connectivity, leisure, recreation and tourism and utilities and telecoms. Having an employment site with attracting businesses due to inadequate infrastructure defeats the purpose. A key decision for the Borough to consider is whether the employment sites will be for general business or a hub specialising in a particular area e.g. health, innovation, professional services. The nature of the businesses for the employment site may determine its location. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider if the employment sites will have multiple occupants and social spaces or not. The town centre should be an employment site and currently the number of empty shops and offices tells a different story. Therefore, the town centre should be an employment site, which would take advantage of walking, cycling and public links, including access to the railway station. Bedford’s town centre has lost its way – not sure what is its USP.
The Biddenham Society considers this to be outside of its remit and does not wish to comment
Huntingdonshire’s boundary with Bedford Borough is in close proximity to three of the Established Employment Areas identified in the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 (Howard Road Industrial Estate, Little End Road/ Alpha Drive Business Park and Colmworth Business Park). Therefore, in addition to the response to Q4, HDC would like to be consulted on all allocations near to the boundary between Bedford Borough and Huntingdonshire as well as those that may have an impact upon current transport infrastructure and commuting patterns. To best use current transport infrastructure, it is recommended that employment allocations are located in areas well connected to existing public transport or main transport corridors. Employment allocations should be located within a range of locations dependent on the types of employment and need in the area. Major employment opportunities should be located within new settlements to support a sustainable mix of uses and limit long commuting patterns and be located along existing or proposed transport routes to support sustainable communities. Employment allocations should also be identified within established employment areas or town centres across the Borough to support their economic vitality and diversity. Finally, some provision should be made to support, enhance and diversify where necessary the rural economy across Bedford.
This really depends on what types employment will expand in the future. They may not necessarily be identical with the skills of the Bedford working population. The Covid-19 crisis is likely to see very high levels of unemployment nationally and we may not return to the high employment levels of the pre-crisis period. One factor that should be taken into account is that far more people will work from home in the future, so a large expansion of retail sites, offices and other workspaces may not be required.
The recently built east-west A421 corridor is the best place to locate this kind of development as the infrastructure is already there and can only be improved with a new station at Wixams.
in line with Urban Growth option
In general, employment sites need to be located close to centres of population and to sustainable transport networks or hubs. Wherever possible, they should be located on brownfield sites. Warehousing should not be located in rural communities accessed by the rural road network.
Close to urban centres such as Bedford but not in open countryside and with good access to public transport.
On brownfield sites first
Town centre in redundant retail units.
Employment sites should be located: • Close to urban centres (e.g. Bedford). • With good access (e.g. cycle routes) allowing cycling and walking. • With good access to public transport. • With good road access from the roads network and housing areas
Since employment sites need to be co-located with residental areas they need to be adjacent to the road network with quick access to the motorways. The Southern bedford bypass is the correct location for these developments
if we use the Wixams as an example, it as one shop and restaraunt!! This question is just smoke and mirrors and ive yet to see a housing development yet that provides significant additional employement post the installation.
closer to existing major towns and supported and confirmed road/railway links
Closer to major town and existing road / railway links
Proposals for employment sites need to be considered in relation with proposals for the town centre, transport and connectivity, leisure, recreation and tourism and utilities and telecoms. Having an employment site with attracting businesses due to inadequate infrastructure defeats the purpose. A key decision for the Borough to consider is whether the employment sites will be for general business or a hub specialising in a particular area e.g. health, innovation, professional services. The nature of the businesses for the employment site may determine its location. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider if the employment sites will have multiple occupants and social spaces or not. The town centre should be an employment site and currently the number of empty shops and offices tells a different story. Therefore, the town centre should be an employment site, which would take advantage of walking, cycling and public links, including access to the railway station. Bedford’s town centre has lost its way – not sure what is its USP.
Not sure.
Employment sites should be located: • Close to urban centres (e.g. Bedford). • With good access (e.g. cycle routes) allowing cycling and walking. • With good access to public transport. • With good road access from the roads network and housing areas
There may be some potential for small business sites to be created alongside re purposing some urban areas. These can include small-scale entrepreneurial activity, eg. related to crafts, niche services small food outlets etc.
Near sustainable transport links, and also the increasing amount of vacant retail space should be considered in the Town Centre and on brownfield sites.
Employment sites should be located close to residential developments, to facilitate sustainable travel. Ideally, employment should be focused on brownfield sites - sites along the A421 corridor would be ideal. Warehousing should be located near the major roads - heavy lorries should be kept off the rural roads and main roads through the villages.
Employment sites need to be close to residential areas to reduce the requirements to commute by car.
On brownfield sites in the town centres and along the A421 corridor so that more people can walk or cycle to work.
If the Local Plan is to proceed with the red or brown options, new employment should be delivered in line with proposed Rushden/ St Neots urban extensions or the chosen new settlement(s) to provide sustainability.
Same as previous in sand and gravel pits
No comment
Given the current economic climate and the resulting impact of Covid-19, this will clearly affect investment and opportunities in the employment sector. We consider that in the first instance that opportunities should be explored within the town centre especially given their changing nature and role. In addition, new employment sites should be located next to major road infrastructure primarily along the A421 which will be supported by the Oxford-Cambridge Arc.
• In the town-centre; this may be part of the repurposing of the town centre. • Along the A421, which has good connections with Milton Keynes and Cambridge. • Close to stations along the East-West Rail route, once that is determined. • Along the A6 between Wixams and Luton • If a new settlement is selected as the / one of the development options, new employment sites should be located within a short distance.
Employment sites should be located: • Close to urban centres (e.g. Bedford). • With good access (e.g. cycle routes) allowing cycling and walking. • With good access to public transport. • With good road access from the roads network and housing areas
Near to the good road network south of Bedford.