
Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040 Plan for Submission

Representation ID: 10044

Received: 28/07/2022

Respondent: The Southill Estate

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Representation Summary:


Policy DS1(S) seeks to support a move towards carbon neutrality, and refers to minimising the need to travel, accessibility by sustainable modes of transport, the density of development, the use of renewable and low carbon energy, and the delivery of green infrastructure. The approach towards carbon neutrality is consistent with national policy contained in the NPPF, and in particular Sections 8, 9 and 14. The two promoted developments by the Southill Estate at Abbey Field West of Elstow and Pear Tree Farm Elstow are in accessible locations, and are well related to the urban area, to other proposed strategic developments, and to proposed transport infrastructure projects in the A421 Corridor. The promoted developments include policy requirements for pedestrian and cycle connections with the surrounding area and existing networks - see Policies HOU 5 and EMP 5. There is a clear opportunity for the promoted developments to minimise the need to travel and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport. The promoted developments also include policy requirements for the delivery of open space and green infrastructure, and for connections to green corridors. As set out in the Southill Estate’s representations to Policy HOU 5, the promoted development at the Abbey Fields West of Elstow site could accommodate more dwellings than currently indicated in the housing trajectory. An increase in the number of dwellings at the promoted development would increase the density, which would be more consistent with the aims of carbon neutrality. It is too early to determine the energy strategy for the promoted developments, but it is anticipated that the buildings would be energy efficient, and the developments would incorporate renewable and low carbon energy technologies. Therefore, the promoted developments would contribute towards carbon neutrality. The policy of moving towards carbon neutrality is supported, and no changes are required.
