
Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 6516

Received: 13/09/2021

Respondent: Dr Hugh Laing

Agent: Phillips Planning Services

Representation Summary:

Site 808 – Land South of Vicars Close
The following brief comments and clarifications are provided in response to the site assessment proforma for this site.

Urban Area Boundary
1. The site is correctly noted as lying within / adjoining the existing urban area boundary and so a location where new development should be favoured.

2. The assessment also correctly notes that the site does not lie within or adjoining any sites of nature conservation importance.

3. Like any new development, the site the assessment (2b, 2c, 2d) suggest that there is some potential to impact ecological habitat / protected species. However, as part of the original Call for Sites submission a preliminary ecological assessment report prepared by Middlemarch Ecology was provided. This identified that ecological impacts would be minimal provided boundary trees and hedgerows are maintained (which is proposed) and in addition through new planting and management a net biodiversity gain will be delivered.

4. As part of any development of the site buffer planting would be possible thereby strengthening habitat corridors around the site and so linkages to the wider green infrastructure of the area.

5. Criterion 4a of the assessment notes that the development of the site has some potential to harm designated or non-designated heritage assets ranging from low to high impact. It is noted from discussions with Policy officers that this is a fairly generic statement which has been applied to most sites submitted and does not suggest that the site should not be developed, rather that further review of the matter is required.

6. In this regard the site lies some 100 metres south of the village conservation area and the nearest listed buildings as highlighted on the map extract at the head of the following page. (CA boundary shown red and listed buildings, blue triangles).

7. There are a number of large trees and intervening houses of fairly large scale between the site and these heritage assets such that there is no visual or other clear relationship.

8. It is respectfully submitted that the allocation of the site would not result in any heritage harm.

The sites relationship with the conservation area and listed buildings

Settlement Form
9. 8b notes that the site lies within / well related to the exiting settlement form. We concur with this assessment. As the Council is aware the submission was accompanied by a landscape appraisal which considers the sites relationship with the settlement, visibility from public rights of way and confirms that due to its containment its close relationship with the existing settlement form.

Agricultural Land
10. The site is small scale and not part of a viable agricultural holding. The general agricultural land classification maps show the area as Grade 3 i.e. not grade 1 or 2 (Best and most versatile). This aspect is clearly not a constraint to an allocation of the land.

11. Under 15e the assessment notes and confirms that there are no access constraints to the development of the land. We concur with this assessment and as the Council is aware an access technical note has been provided by consultants TPA.

12. The promoted site lies within the existing urban area of Bedford and directly adjoins the edge of Biddenham.

13. Development of the land would fit squarely with the emerging spatial strategy for the plan which seeks to deliver new housing in and adjoining the existing Bedford urban area (of which Biddenham forms part).

14. The Council’s assessment of the site raises no technical or other issues which would preclude allocation and development.

15. The site remains available for consideration and readily deliverable upon allocation.