
Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8488

Received: 27/09/2021

Respondent: Anwyl Land

Agent: Fisher German LLP

Representation Summary:

Land on the north side of Kennell Hill, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire (3231)
2.19 Our clients land interests north of Kennell Hill was identified as a potential housing allocation prior to the change in approach adopted by the Council in respect of housing allocations in Key Service Centre, i.e. housing allocations to be delivered through neighbourhood plans instead of by the Council. This resulted in the allocation of a new site in Sharnbrook Parish, albeit as discussed below, not in Sharnbrook. Work undertaken by Anwyl Land to date has confirmed the Council’s position that the site is deliverable and can be brought forward without undue impacts. An illustrative masterplan is included at Figure 2 below to show how the site can be sensitively delivered.

Figure 2: Illustrative Masterplan
2.20 The Council’s Site Assessment contains a number of criteria by which sites are scored. Where we have comments these are discussed in turn below. Within or adjoining UAB SPA or built form of a small settlement
2.21 Whilst we agree that the site does not adjoin the defined SPA of Sharnbrook as defined on the Council’s policies maps, when regard is had for the built form of Sharnbrook it is clear that the site would relate well to the village of Sharnbrook. Within the existing settlement form?
2.22 The site is outside of the SPA of Sharnbrook, but does adjoin existing built form on Kennell Hill which forms part of Sharnbrook. It is therefore considered to be incorrect to state that the site is not within the existing settlement form.

At risk of flooding?
2.23 Whilst the site contains areas of flood risk, as demonstrated on the illustrative masterplan the area of the site to be developed is entirely within Flood Zone 1. The land deemed to be at risk of flooding is to the west of the site is to be used as open space with tree planting proposed. Locating development in Flood Zone 1 is required by existing planning policy and could be further secured by site specific policy criteria. The Council could also seek to exclude such an area from any allocation, given it is not necessary to deliver the site.