
Site Assessment Pro Formas

Representation ID: 8900

Received: 30/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Mills

Representation Summary:

The land at Top Homes is not considered a suitable site and should be discounted as a sustainable location for development by Bedford Borough Council.
The proposed site falls within the Parish of Staploe. The parish is entirely rural with many narrow, single track roads (many of which are designated as unsuitable for HGVs) and no settlement policy area. It is all on grade 2 (high quality) agricultural land and it is highly valued for its peace, quiet, open countryside views and rural setting by its residents as evidenced by a Neighbourhood Plan survey conducted in early 2021. Clearly, any significant development within the Parish would make a permanent change to the landscape and the setting of the small hamlets and rural nature in the locality. Such physical changes cannot be reversed.
The hamlet of Duloe currently only has around 40 homes and is currently a ribbon development with houses usually only on one side of the road. This gives each home a rural outlook on both sides. A large development of 400 homes would fundamentally change the character of the hamlet.
The Top Homes area includes fields which are valued breeding sites for corn buntings, skylarks and partridge.
A further point to consider is that most of the land covered by the Parish of Staploe is Grade 2 agricultural land as identified by the Agricultural Land Classification. Paragraph 174 (b) of the NPPF makes clear that planning policies should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: ‘recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland…’. Grade 2 agricultural land is considered to be the best and most versatile agricultural land and would be applicable in this instance.
100 word summary Top Homes Site 931
Top Homes is unsuitable because: there is a risk of coalescence with St Neots, the location is high quality agricultural land, it is valued as a rural location by its residents, there are no services, the roads are very narrow