Call for Sites Form
Please contact the agent: Francis Caldwell
Land at Wilstead Road Elstow 1.9 ha
employment allocation
30-40 - 30/50 Depending on Residential/Employment Split
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No tenure types specified
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Access Direct from Wilstead Road
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The proposal has the opportunity to provide for energy efficiency features in design and to give consideration to renewables.
No uploaded files for public display
Access will be via a new access point onto Wilstead Rd. There can be moderate traffic through Elstow at times, this development could make it slightly worse but is unlikely to have a major impact. Bus stops 150m from the site provide an hourly service between Bedford and Luton, both directions once an hour. There is a shared pedestrian/cycle path directly outside the site, but it is not paved or adequate width, so is unsuitable for all users. Upgrade the existing pedestrian/cycle path outside the site to a paved path; improve the crossing at the point outside the site entrance where the path switches side of the road.
no noise concerns
The site is not suitable for allocation. It is designated as Urban Open Space and the reason for designation: Criteria 7 - to provide a buffer between the existing residential uses and the employment allocation, would be compromised if the sites was developed. The inclusion of the Urban Open Space designation was integral to the allocation of land for employment at Medbury Farm (ADLP policy AD11) in order to provide separation between new employment activity and Elstow village.