Call for Sites

Ended on the 14 August 2020

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(Please use this form to make a submission to the call for sites process and promote a site for development or redevelopment in the new Bedford Borough Local Plan. Be aware that all sites submitted during previous call for sites exercises must be submitted again to be considered as part of this Local Plan.)

Wherever possible, sites should be submitted electronically through the council's online consultation system. The online system allows all details to be entered and allows for location plans to be drawn using the map function. Please complete a separate form for each site. If you are unable to use the online system, forms can be returned by email to (please return as a WORD document) or by post to:

Bedford Borough Council

Planning Policy Team

Borough Hall,

Cauldwell Street,

Bedford, MK42 9AP

Your suggested site cannot be considered if you do not send along with the completed submission form a location plan which clearly identifies the site boundary and point of access to a public highway. The council is unable to provide blank plans for this exercise, but Ordnance Survey plans of sites may be obtained via external companies that can be identified through an internet search (there may be a charge for this service).

Please do not make submissions in more than one format or send to more than one email address. If you have sent information on a site electronically you do not need to print and post it.

Putting a site forward does not guarantee that the council will allocate it or support its development in the future, as all sites will need to be assessed in terms of site suitability, availability and deliverability against relevant planning policy and other considerations including site constraints. Further information can be found in the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment Methodology and the Site Assessment Methodology

This form and any information it contains will be published on the council's website in due course. Contact information will also be kept on the Planning Policy database for the purposes of communication regarding your site submission and the preparation of the Local Plan. Personal data will be collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations. Further information can be found on the council's Data Protection webpage and in the Privacy Notices for planning policy.


For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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