Call for Sites Form
Rookery Road Wyboston MK44 3AX
Greenhouse / Smallholding / Agriculture
Small Holdings
Small Holdings
Small Holdings
250 - 300
No answer given
20 - 23 dph
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Rookery Road
2025 - 2029
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Based on the submission, it is difficult to tell the exact location, but the previous assessment seems to be accurate in terms of use. According to previous assessment of then site 420: Access will be provided from Rookery Road, an adopted and unclassified single carriageway of 30mph speed limit. The carriageway width varies but is approximately 4.8m at this section. There is no footway immediately outside the site, however a footway is of varying width between 1m – 1.6m which is present on the east side of Rookery Road. There is a segregated cycle route in the vicinity adjacent to the A1 (about 250m as the crow flies, 1.3km on the road). The closest bus stop is 1km from the site with 112 Ivel Sprinter stopping once a day heading to St Neots / Biggleswade. The proposal for 250 - 300 dwellings will intensify the use of the access to the site and have a significant impact on highway network. The immediate junctions affected will be with The Lane to the south as well as Rookery Road itself. The width of Rookery Road is approximately 4.8m at this section and is not wide enough to accommodate additional capacity for 250 – 300 dwellings. A Transport Assessment would be needed to assess the impact of the development on the local highway network. Unlikely Rookery Road would be able to support this scale of development. Improvement of pedestrian and cycle access would be needed - provision of a footpath / pedestrian crossing and designated cycle path. The road is very narrow however which would make the latter difficult.
nearby commercial use would need to be considered
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.