Call for Sites Form
Land to the east of Manor Farm, High Road, Cotton End, Bedford, Bedfordshire. MK45 3AA
Cardington Hangers
Manor Farm / urban area
Open files
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35dph based on 50% gross to net developable land.
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It is anticipated that the employment uses would provide offices to support the existing employment areas including Cardington Hangers
In terms of land use, approximately 2.5 hectares of land has been allocated to employment uses / 7,500sq.m of office space.
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In terms of land use, approximately 1 hectare has been allocated to mixed use. The type of use that is provided will be determined by the needs of the local community. This may be a small convenience shop, village hall or sports hall.
The final use will be determined by the requirements of the existing and proposed communities to ensure that their needs are met.
It is anticipated that two access points will be formed onto the A600. A third site access could be located through the existing farm access or from the existing access onto Wood Lane.
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This site could start as soon as the Local Plan is adopted and the relevant planning permissions have been achieved however we have assumed a slightly longer timeframe for delivery based on the smaller site also submitted on behalf of this landowner.
This site would accommodate development in a sustainable location, within close proximity to existing services and facilities as well as a major employment area. The mixed use development would promote sustainable living and offer suitable employment opportunities within the residential area. The site would ensure that housing needs are met in areas outside the more vulnerable areas of Bedfordshire including those at risk of flooding and those in sensitive environmental landscapes and habitats. There is significant scope for a truly landscape approach to the development which would enable access to green infrastructure including landscape enhancements and publicly accessible open space, community gardens and SUDs as advocated by paragraph 150 of the NPPF as mitigation against climate change. A mix of house types and tenures would be provided to ensure variety in housing provision to suit the local need, this would include properties with gardens, flats / maisonettes and bungalows. The size of the site and its location in relation to the existing built form of Cotton End would enable additional day-to-day facilities to be provided on site, reducing the need for travel. Furthermore, the development could be constructed using sustainable construction methods where appropriate as well as being designed to accommodate sustainable design principles such as housing orientation.
The proposal is for two access points to be formed onto the A600 High Road. Both would be in locations where the road is suitably wide, and visibility is good. There is No significant traffic congestion in the area, however detailed analysis of the traffic impact would be needed due to the large size. There are bus stops within 150m of the site where the 9A and 9B services combined provide a half-hourly service between Bedford and Hitchin. There is a wide and well-surfaced shared pedestrian/cycle path directly outside the development on High Road. Due to the large size of development, a signalised junction may be needed to manage the flow of traffic to/from the development. There is potential to site new bus stops on High Road near the access point, providing even better public transport access for new residents.
main noise sources will be road traffic and Cardington Sheds, non insurmountable as permitted housing closer to source but will need to be considered
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy. This is not a preferred location for an employment site as it does not relate well to existing settlements and it would be intrusive.