Call for Sites Form
Manor Way and Wood Lane Cotton End MK45 3AH
Grass Land
Existing Residential
Existing Residential
Existing Residential
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Continuation of Manor Way and off Wood Lane
2024 - 2025
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Access via an extension of Manor Way and a new access point onto Wood Lane. No traffic congestion in the area. There are bus stops within 300m where the 9A and 9B buses combined give a service to both Bedford and Hitchin approx. every 30 minutes. Both potential access points have adequate pedestrian access. There is a shared pedestrian/cycle path towards Bedford on High Road 200m from the site. Extend the shared cycling/pedestrian path along the pavement on Wood Lane and Manor Way to directly connect to the site. Provide pedestrian access at all proposed access points.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.