Call for Sites Form
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35 High Street, Stagsden, Bedford, MK43 8SG
Private property and Garden
Dwellings and Field
Field/possible Village Green with planning for 6 dwellings
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20 units per hectare
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The site will be accessed via the main entrance from the adopted highway off High Street. Stagsden. Access point marked with purple dots on site map.
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All properties could harvest rain water into the pond that abuts the site as well as having water butts installed. Integrated solar panels and heat source air pumps could be installed, which has been done on the development in St Leonards Close
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Direct vehicle access to site from High St on Western side. No congestion typically present on High St, nor the nearby A422. Bus stop just 80m South of site on High St. route 41 and 830 offer an overall 2 buses per hour on average. Pedestrian footways are present on both side of the High St, but just over 1m wide. Similarly, the road is not very wide and doesn't offer much scope for widening the pavement or introducing a bike lane.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.