Call for Sites Form
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Brewer's Hall Farm New Road Great Barford Bedfordshire (Approx. 11.3 ha) See Plan dated 19/02/2014 - sent separately)
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17.7 per hectare
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Directly off New Road. See plan dated 19/02/2014
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200 dwellings
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All houses will be constructed in accordance with latest Building Regulations and Council policies. The owner will attach weight to schemes that provide the maximum energy efficiency, for example in providing solar panels on all sloping roofs with a southerly aspect, subject to on-going grant availability at competitive rates.
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Vehicular access will be off New Road which presents no problems. Some traffic in the area along New Road at peak times which could be worsened by the development and neighbouring proposed sites. The nearest bus stop with a regular service is approximately 800m away on Bedford Road in the centre of the village - this is dependent on pedestrian access being constructed onto Addingtons Road in the SW corner of the site. At this stop the 905 bus provides a half-hourly service between Bedford and Cambridge. Pedestrian access onto New Road would not be feasible or appropriate, however a separate pedestrian access in the SW of the site onto Addingtons Rd would provide a reasonable connection to the rest of the village and local public transport. There is no specific cycle connectivity but access to the off-road cycle track to Bedford Town Centre is nearby, accessible via some quiet roads. Include a specific pedestrian/cycle access point in the SW corner of the site, allowing pedestrian access to the village and public transport. Better signpost the route to the nearby access point of the Sandy-Bedford cycle track.
significnat potential noise sources from industrial activity that the proposed site encircles
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.