Call for Sites Form
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Wood Lane Willington Bedfordshire (Approx. 7.2 ha) See Plan dated 19/02/2014
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Approx. 21 per hectare
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Directly off Wood Lane. See plan dated 19/02/2020
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All development will be in accordance with Building Regulations and Council policies. The owner is unlikely to be the ultimate developer but would consider prioritising schemes that optimised energy efficient homes, including a requirement for all southerly aspect pitched roofs to have solar panels. That may of course depend on continuing grant support at viable levels.
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The site is located at Wood Lane approximately 750m south of the junction with Sandy Road/Bedford Road in the village of Willington approximately 4.5 miles east of Bedford town centre. Wood Lane does not provide suitable access for this scale of development and the proposal will intensify its use as well as impact on the immediate junction with Bedford Road. The nearest bus stops present are located on Bedford Road and Station Rd both of which are located approximately 800m north of the site. There are no footways either side of Wood Lane and no specific provisions for cyclists, although local roads appear quiet. The proposal would require Wood Lane to be rebuilt in accordance with Bedford Borough Council’s (BBC) standards which is likely to be prohibitive. This would require construction of footways on wood lane and provision for cyclists.
No noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.