Call for Sites Form
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Pertenhall Road Keysoe Bedford MK44 2HR
2 and 3 bedroom houses would be inconsistant in local invironment. Propose larger and unique familly dwelling.
An exceptional house mirroring the converted brick barns opposite the site.
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An existing entrance in North West corner of the site. Very good visibility lines in both directions onto the highway.
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The site is approximatley 0.5Ha which will allow ground source heating. A large dwelling is proposed which will provide good roof area for solar elecricity generation and room for battery storage. The site is within walking or cycling distance of Keysoe bus stop and could reduce car use.
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The site located east of Perenhall Road in the village of Keysoe approximately 11 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is possible in North West corner of the site. The proposal would not cause significant traffic problems to the network. The closest bus stop located 800m north of the site. There are no footways and formal cycleways serving the site. Cycling is possible by using the road surface. Pedestrian footway development to connect to Keysoe not likely to be feasible for only one dwelling. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes in Perenhall Road.
no noise issues
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.