Call for Sites Form
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34 Northill Rd Cople Bedford MK44 3TU
Residential garden land
A Road, beyond this is a paddock
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23 dwellings per ha
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3.1 Can suitable access be achieved for the site? Suitable access is 0achievable The current access is 1unsuitable/requires improvement There is no access to 0 an adopted highway 3.2 Where will the site’s access point(s) be? Please give details here and show access on the site location plan. The site currently has a single- access point onto Northgate Road (as indicated by a blue dot on the location plan). The proposed development would require the widening of the existing entrance to create a dual access point, which will result in the minor removal of bricks from the existing wall. Given that the site enters onto a very straight section of Northgate Road, it is considered that suitable visibility splays can be achieved. Nevertheless, advice from a highway consultant will be sought when required.
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We recognise the importance of ensuring that this proposal will assist in meeting the Council’s strategic vision to ensure that such developments address climate change both through adaption and mitigation measures. As a result, the proposal will respond to climate change, in a number of ways, including: • minimising the use of wastewater • incorporating landscaping, including tree planting • meeting energy efficiency targets to achieve at least a 10% reduction in carbon emissions • considering opportunities to integrate solar roof panels. • given that the site is sustainably located within convenient access to local services (such as a public house, village hall, sports club and a church) by foot and cycle
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Access using existing single access onto Northill Road, but widened to become a two-way access. Traffic through Cople can be moderate at times, but the size of this development is unlikely to make a significant contribution to that. The number 74 bus to Bedford stops within 250m of the house on a mainly hourly (sometimes half-hourly) basis. There is an adequate pavement along the frontage of the site linking to the village, bus stops, pubs etc. There is no specific cycle connectivity however cycling towards the A421 via Cardington connects to a traffic-free cycle route on the edge of Bedford taking you towards the centre. Better cycle signage directing residents towards the traffic-free cycle path starting on the outskirts of Bedford would be beneficial.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.