Call for Sites Form
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Long Close (east of Brook Farm 70 High Street Wilden)
Maintained but derelict: residual of former dog boarding kennels.
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Through existing field gateway to the south or via the ‘Owlswick’ access to the west.
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Any planning application would feature green energy generation (GSHP, Solar, and Biomass) and sustainable conservation technology considering materials, design/layout, aspect, and water recycling.
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Access directly onto High Street to the south or via 'Owlswick' to the east, linking to High Street. Via Owlswick would be better as it uses an existing access onto the main road, whereas a new direct access to High Street would likely be too close to the existing access for Owlswick. Wilden does have some moderate traffic around midday, but one additional house would not be expected to affect this. There is a bus stop within 600m with four daily services to Bedford and Great Barford. Pavement exists on High Street with a dropped curb to cross onto Owlswick. Adequate pedestrian access from the village to Owlswick already exists, but a small amount of work would be needed to extend it along Owlswck to the site. There are no nearby cycle routes, but there are several quiet roads which could be used for cycling into Bedford, as well as rights of way which could be used more for leisure. The vehicle access should be via Owlswick onto the High Street rather than directly onto High Street to prevent 2 junctions being too close together.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.