Call for Sites Form
Abbey Field (land adjacent to Abbey Cottage) Bedford Road Turvey Bedfordshire MK43 8BA 1.24ha
Open pasture
Woodland - private
Open pasture
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19.35 dph
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Directly onto A428 within 30mph speed limit for the village.
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Subject to a grant of planning permission, the land is owner occupied and therefore it is seen to be viable for the development to commence within 1-5years of December 2023.
Whilst this isn’t fully known at this stage the sustainability through both construction methods, energy use and their sources and a reduction in the carbon footprint for the construction of dwellings to the site are all key contributors to responding to the urgent need for climate change. The development of the proposal for the site would carefully consider these sustainable contributors and environmental impacts in the formation of a scheme for the submission for planning. The development of the site would actively seek to provide local native species hedgerows, trees, bat and bird boxes to encourage local wildlife. In addition, the site would look to possibly include some additional woodland land for the use by the local pre-school and primary school as a forest school learning environment and discussions surrounding this would take place at an appropriate time.
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Access would be direct onto the A428 within the 30mph limit which currently changes half way along the site frontage. There is no significant traffic congestion in the area. There are bus stops 110m away where the 41 bus provides an hourly service between Bedford and Northampton. There is a pavement running along the whole frontage of the site, which also has space for possible widening and sharing with cyclists. Extend the 30mph limit to cover the whole of the site frontage. Consider widening and re-designating the pavement outside the site to a shared pedestrian/cycle path.
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The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.