Call for Sites Form
Promoter / Developer
Land north of School Lane, Roxton. Gross Site Area: 1.55ha
Agriculture (arable)
Starter Homes
28 / ha
Starter Homes
No answer given
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The proposed access is directly from School Lane as shown on the plan.
x Dwellings (none stated)
No answer given
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Year 1
High Specification Energy Efficient Housing Positive Biodiversity Enhancements Retention and Planting of Trees Sustainable Location with Sustainable Transport Modes
No uploaded files for public display
The access to the site is proposed between the west side of boundary with no. 15 School Lane and the open space on the west side. The nearest presence of bus stops with bus shelters are located on Bedford Road opposite the junction with Park Road approximately 485m west of the site. The carriageway width of School Lane at this section is approximately 5.6m and immediately outside the site there is a footway of width of 1.8m with grass verges to the east. On the opposite side of site there is also a footway of 1.8m in width. There is no provision for cyclists Although the speed limit on School Lane is 30mph, it is a classified road; therefore the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) will apply in respect of determining the visibility splays and the Stopping Sight Distance (SSD). The proposal will also require a road to adoptable standards in which case the geometry of the design of the road need to be in accordance with Bedford Borough Council’s(BBC’s) highway standards and must be accommodated within the curtilage of the site boundary. The parameters of the adoptable road include widths of carriageway/footways and also radius kerbs of the required junction. There is a scope to introduce a public transport provision for a bus service or an extension to an existing bus service through Park Road and School Lane to ensure that the walking distance to a bus stop is less than 400m in distance. A TA will be required to identify the impact of traffic on the highway and it will introduce improvements for sustainable measures for pedestrians, cyclists and for public transport.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.