Call for Sites Form
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Adjacent to Thurleigh Road, Milton Ernest
Housing - Milton Ernest village
10-25 in line with the needs of the village
Milton Ernest needs affordable housing and we would like to see this mixed with family homes and homes to allow older residents to stay in the village..
30 houses per hectare
Milton Ernest needs affordable housing and we would like to see this mixed with family homes.Milton Ernest needs affordable housing and we would like to see this mixed with family homes and homes to allow older residents to stay in the village..
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There is an established access point, shown on the map by two blue dots, on the North East of the site. Access is on to the Thurleigh Road and there is a clear view of the Thurligh Road in both directions.
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The proposed site will have low levels of pollutants in the soil, air or water as it has been used for organic grazing. Because we are proposing a low number of houses for the site, there is plenty of space to mitigate any potential noise. There is no significant noise or light pollution in the local area from industry or housing in the village. The land is south facing and on a slope, which means that drainage is excellent and there is no record of the land flooding. The proposed site is stable and there has never been a record of earth movement. South facing hosuing would allow any houses to take advantage of effective solar energy. The land does not have listed buildings, trees or boundaries. The hedges around the field have been allowed to grow and our proposal would be to conserve as much of this as possible. Housing on the site would look out over fields. There is a public footpath over adjacent land owned by the landowners and access to this and other land from the proposed site could be negotiated for those living in the proposed housing.
No uploaded files for public display
The site is located on the south side of Thurleigh Road in the village of Milton Ernest approximately 5 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from the northeast corner of the site from Thurleigh Road. There is no significant traffic in the area. The closest bus stop is 650m west from the site on Rushden Road. There are six bus routes in the area, 22, 50, 825, 828, 830 and VL14. There is no footway serving the site and cycling is possible only on-road. A Transport Assessment would be required to identify the impact of traffic in the network and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes.
twinwoods business park may be a source of noise
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.