Call for Sites Form
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Land at Wootton Park Farm Hall End Road Wootton Bedfordshire MK43 9HT
Wootton Upper School
Agricultural land
Agricultural land
430-515 houses @ 25-30 dph.
We suggest a mix of housing to meet local needs. This will include a range of house types and a range of unit size.
We have assumed a density of circa 25-30 residential units per hectare
We suggest the site will be predominantly a market housing scheme, however, any scheme will require to meet local policy in terms of affordable housing (rent and shared ownership) and private rented housing as required.
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No answer given
We suggest that there should be areas of employment use within the development. The type and size of the employment facilities could be determined to meet local need.
Type and size of the employment facilities could be determined to meet local need.
We suggest that there should be areas of retail use within the development. The type and size of the retail facilities could be determined to meet local need.
We suggest that there should be areas of retail use within the development. The type and size of the retail facilities could be determined to meet local need.
We suggest that there should be areas of retail use within the development. The type and size of the retail facilities could be determined to meet local need.
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No answer given
No answer given
There are a number of accesses to the site. The accesses have been marked with the blue dots on the site plan. A description of each access is as follows: 1. Via an existing road to the north of the site on the western boundary of Wootton Upper School. This provides direct access to Hall End Road. 2. Via adjoining land to the east of the site which provides access to Cranfield Road. This adjoining land is within the ownership of Bedfordshire County Council and this land has previously been promoted for development. There are two fields which could provide access and these have been marked on the plan with blue dots, although the exact location of the access could be anywhere across these fields. 3. Via an access to the north east of the site which provides access to Church Row and Jenkyn Road.
430-515, dependant on land used for other uses (such as employment and retail)
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No answer given
No answer given
The land is available and therefore the land could be developed immediately or it could be development in parts or as part of a phased development.
This site is adjacent to Wootton Wood which is designated as a County Wildlife Site. Wootton Wood extends to approximately 40 hectares (100 acres) of woodland which has historic and ecological importance. Wootton Wood is also within the ownership of Clapham Park Farms Limited, the same owner as this land which has been submitted. As part of any development of this land submitted, the adjoining woodland could be enhanced , for example the woodland could potentially be used as a site for carbon offsetting or to achieve net biodiversity gain. We would seek to ensure any building on the site is energy efficient and includes renewable energy where possible, for example installing solar PV energy and air source heat pumps. The design and construction of the buildings should utilise low embodied energy materials. If the whole site was developed we envisage some commercial development within the overall layout and design to encourage local employment opportunities to reduce travel to other areas of the Borough and further afield. The development of this site will provide direct access to Wootton Upper School (which forms the northern boundary) which will reduce traffic along Hall End Road and Church Road. A link road could extend through this site and then further east, through land within the ownership of Bedfordshire County Council to Cranfield Road. This link road could be utilised by the residents of the Berry Farm development which is situated to the east of Cranfield Road and the existing development to the north and south of Fields Road.
No uploaded files for public display
The site proposes three accesses, via existing road to the north of the site on the western boundary of Wootton Upper School to Hall End Road, via adjoining land to the east to Cranfield Road and via an access to the north east of the site which provides access to Church Row and Jenkyn Road. This provides good access, however, the site is likely to generate a large amount of traffic, which, along with significant traffic already generated by the school, could cause congestion and safety issues on the existing road network. Hall End Road / Church Road and Cranfield Road are both on a bicyclefriendly route, but there are no designated cycle lanes. There are no footpaths on the short access roads that would connect the new development and Hall End Road and Church Road, but are footpaths on the other side of Hall End Road / Church Road and Cranfield Road. A Transport Assessment would be required to understand the impact on the local highway network as together with the other nearby sites in the vicinity, significant traffic generation can be expected. On the access roads directly off Hall End Road and Church Road, footpaths should be added with crossing facilities on Hall End Road / Church Road and Cranfield Road.
school to the north would need to be considered
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.