Call for Sites Form
Family member of land owner
Land east of Orchard Lane, Harrold, Bedfordshire
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Either utilising the existing access off the adopted highway (Orchard Lane) or putting in a new access off the adopted highway.
1-5 years
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Houses would be built to the highest sustainable standards and where feasible would be connected to renewable sources such as solar roof for heating water and electricity. The site is within a vibrant village and would provide people with the opportunity to walk to local facilities such as schools and shops. The site could connect to the existing footpath and could provide land to extend the footpath further to the north (off road).
No uploaded files for public display
The site is located on the east side of Wood Road and Orchard Lane in the village of Harrold approximately 9 miles north-west of Bedford town centre. The proposed point of vehicular access off Wood Road is indicated to be opposite of properties no’s 21/23. The traffic in the vicinity and at the junction of Orchard Lane/High Street is not significant without the development, though the development may have a moderate impact. The nearest bus stop facilities are located on High Street approximately 560m in distance from the site. There is an adequate footway from the southwesterly corner of the site on Orchard Lane. There is no formal cycle track outside the site however cycling is possible using the road surface. The scale of development would require a Transport Assessment which will need to assess the impact on surrounding transport networks including the junction of Orchard Lane with High Street. Consider marking on street cycle lanes and increasing bus service frequency.
some industrial directly to the east of the site would need to be considered as noise sources
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1. Part of the site is already allocated for residential development in the Harrold Neighbourhood Plan (Policy NDP3). The remainder of the site is not in a location that is in accordance with the development strategy.