Call for Sites Form
Family member of landowner
Land at The Marsh, Carlton, Bedfordshire
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Utilising the existing access off the adopted highway as shown on the plan.
1-5 years
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The site is located in a village location and provides the opportunity for residents to walk to amenities such as the shop, school and pubs (Policy 53 of Local Plan). Use of rainwater harvesting will be used to assist with water efficiency (Policy 52 of Local Plan). The new builds will be built to the highest standards with high level of insulation and energy efficient building material and will where feasible incorporate roof solar for heating and electricity and air source heat to contribute towards energy efficiency (Policy 54 of the Local Plan).
No uploaded files for public display
The site is located off The Marsh in the village of Carlton approximately 9 miles north-west of Bedford town centre. Access onto The Marsh is narrow and will need widening to provide enough visibility for a new junction. The Marsh is a single track road with no passing places so a development of this size could cause localised congestion issues. There is a bus stop within 300m which provides an hourly service to Bedford. The Marsh has a very narrow and incomplete pavement. There is no specific cycle connectivity however many local roads are quiet and would be suitable for cycling. Widening and general improvements to the pavement on The Marsh, particularly along the east of the road, will greatly improve pedestrian connectivity. It is likely that The Marsh would have to be widened at the point of the new access to provide enough visibility.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.