Call for Sites Form
Land Adjoining Colmworth Road, Little Staughton
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Access to be taken from Colmworth Road
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The development will be sustainable, utilising resources efficiently. Development will use water and energy efficiency, including the use of renewable energy. The development will have an appropriate layout, design and landscaping.
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The site is located on the west side of Colmworth Road, west of the village of Little Staughton approximately 10 miles north of Bedford town centre. Access to the site is feasible from the northwest corner of Colmworth Road. Current traffic congestion is already moderate in the area, north of the site towards Green End village. The nearest bus stop is located adjacent to the site on Colmworth Road with low service frequency. There are no footways serving the site at the frontage, but there is a 1.6m footway on the other side of the road. Cycling is possible on-road only. A Transport Assessment will be required to identify the impact of traffic and satisfactory facilities for both pedestrians and cyclists. Improve bus services with regular frequency. The proposal will require a road to adoptable standards in accordance with Bedford Borough Council's highway standards in terms of accommodating the carriageway/footway widths and the required radius kerbs. A potential second access point in the southeast corner of the site would be necessary. Potential to include footways within the site and investigate cycle lanes on Colmworth Road.
early morning noise from dairy
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.