Call for Sites Form

Form ID: 518

Land owner

No answer given


Land at Wootton House, Wootton

Map 1233
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Church & Residential

School Playing Fields & Countryside


Wootton House and School



Nothing chosen


Family houses

No answer given

27 dph

Market housing - Owner occupied , Affordable Housing - Affordable rent , Affordable Housing - Shared ownership

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

The current access is unsuitable/requires improvement

See location plan.






No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Upon the grant of any planning consent. All units completed within a year.

• Helping to reduce the urban heat island effect by planning green space and using appropriate shade when locating the development; • Using flood prevention/mitigation techniques including landscape features such as ponds. The Surface Water Drainage Strategy will include an allowance for climatic change; • Reducing the ratio of building height to the spacing between buildings to have a positive effect on natural ventilation; • Including green roofs and walls to insulate against heat gains, absorb rainfall and provide (for roofs) useable outdoor space as well as improving the external environment; • Including provision of greenery, such as vertical gardens, climbers and green roofs on the building envelope to help ameliorate the heat gains in summer; • Planting deciduous trees to provide shade in summer, while permitting solar gain in winter when it is useful; • Inclusion of larger floor-to-ceiling heights in buildings to help in allowing later addition of any cooling mechanisms. In addition, higher ceilings also trap hot air above the heads of people using the room, making the room feel cooler and negating the need for A/C, fans, etc.; • Using permeable paving anywhere that loadings will not cause structural failure. • Providing a rainwater collection system/grey-water recycling for watering gardens and landscaped areas; • Using surface treatments which reflect heat in summer, such as light coloured block-paving or render on buildings; • Incorporating electric vehicle charging points in new developments • Ensuring effective orientation and layout to maximise solar-passive strategies; • Adding or increasing insulation levels and using well-designed, climate-appropriate, insulation solutions • Using appropriate glazing and window styles for climate (e.g. low U-value; high solar heat gain coefficient in cold climates and low in warmer climates); • Sizing and orientating windows to minimise summer heat gains and maximise winter solar gains; • Using renewable energy such as solar thermal, PV or heat pumps.



Site not in accordance with the emerging development strategy

Exclude from further assessment

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk.

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

+ The site is not within or adjoining the air quality management area.

+ The site is not within or adjoining a site of nature conservation importance

x Protected species could be affected.

? Uncertain or insufficient information

0 The site is not within or adjoining the green infrastructure opportunity network or the impact of the proposal is neutral.

xx Opportunity area for 3 or more ecosystem services covers more than 50% of the site.

0 No renewable energy generation scheme included and efficiency standards that meet normal standards.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x The proposal has the potential to cause harm to heritage assets. This harm may range from low to high. There may be options to avoid, reduce or mitigate this harm and where sites have not been ruled out altogether for other reasons, further assessment will be undertaken to more fully explore impacts on significance and options for harm reduction and mitigation. This further assessment may ultimately lead to the conclusion that the site should not be allocated.

0 Proposal is not employment related.

0 Proposal does not include a main town centre use.

x The proposal does not include and is not within 400m walking distance of a publicly accessible open space.

+ The proposal includes or is within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility. , x The proposal does not include and is not within 800m of a publicly accessible sports facility

? It is uncertain what effect the proposal is likely to have on the landscape / more information is required.

+ The site adjoins a defined settlement policy area or the built form of a small settlement.

x The site is not previously developed land as defined in the NPPF.

? The classification of the site is not known or it is not clear whether is classified as grade 3a or 3b.

+ The site is not located in a source protection zone.

+ The site is within flood zone 1 (areas that have been shown to be at less than 0.1% chance of flooding in any year).

+ The site is likely to provide a mix of housing and include affordable housing.

x The development will not meet identified needs eg elderly, care, travellers.

+ The site is within 800m of a facility where cultural or social activities can be accessed.

0 Neutral.

+ The development is likely to increase public surveillance or increase activity.

? The site is within or adjoining a defined settlement policy area or within the built form of a small settlement.

++ A site accessibility score of 8 is recorded where 8 is 0 – 10 minutes’ walk.

+ A site accessibility score of 6 is recorded where 6 is 11 – 20 minutes’ walk

+ The site is within 10 minutes’ walk of a bus stop with a regular bus service (at least hourly) which enables travel 8am-6pm Monday to Friday to a major employer or it is possible to walk to a major employer within 10 minutes.

x Serious access constraint wider impacts

? Potential capacity problem requiring mitigation

The development is at Wootton House just South of Hall End Road, North of site 447. The proposal suggests residential use only. Access not indicated on the proposal, only that mitigation will be required. Closest road is a small access road off Church Row / Jenkyn Road, only suitable for one-way traffic, with no cycle provision or footpath, nor enough space on the road for new provision. There is good PT connection to Bedford, with bus 53, 53A, 68, C1 and C5 stops within 400m distance running 4 times per hour overall. Significant widening of the existing access road or a new access road to Hall End Road would be required and likely not feasible with the space available

Nothing chosen

playing field only concern

Site does not fall within the boundary of a MSA.

The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.