Call for Sites Form
Land off Roxton Road, Great Barford
Residential / Community
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29 dph
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5.5 ha
Informal Green Amenity Space, Children’s Play Areas (informal and equipped), Attenuation, Planting, Cycle/Pedestrian Links
Suitable highway access can be achieved on to and from Roxton Road. Pedestrian access can be achieved off Penwrights Lane.
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As part of the scheme being brought forward, means of mitigating climate change in accordance with Policy 51S will be thoroughly considered and where viable can be implemented as part of the proposals. Great Barford is a key rural growth settlement identified for development which can accommodate, sustainably, a strategic scale of development which will contribute to meeting local housing requirements. The site is located within close proximity to local services and facilities which are easily accessible by foot and cycle. The enhancement and creation of additional foot and cycle paths within the scheme design further improves the permeability of the site and connections to the surrounding area. A detailed Drainage Assessment has been undertaken for the site which identifies that surface water run-off from the site will be accommodated in on-site attenuation basins and discharged back into the system at greenfield run-off rate. This ensures that flood risk will not be increased elsewhere and meets the tests of paragraph 163 of the NPPF. New landscaping and planting will be introduced as part of the development, to enhance biodiversity and the site’s environmental context. The development, in line with Policy 51S will seek to explore the use of renewable energy sources and the proposals will also minimise the use of water in line with Policy 52.
Extended version of site 355 above. Vehicular access is proposed onto Roxton Road and pedestrian access is proposed onto Penwrights Lane. Some moderate traffic in the area and the size of this development could possibly make this worse. There are bus stops within 250m of the site where the 905 bus provides a half-hourly service between Bedford and Cambridge. Pedestrian access is proposed onto Penwrights Lane, however this is currently an unpaved track so will need to be paved. Pedestrian access should also be given alongside the vehicular access onto Roxton Road where there is an existing adequate pavement. There are no direct cycle connections however the national cycle network passes nearby further up Roxton Road providing off-road or quiet road connections to St Neots and Bedford. Pedestrian access should also be given onto Roxton Road. Consider upgrading the pavement on Roxton Road to a shared cycle/pedestrian path to connect with the existing shared path further up Roxton Road.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.