Call for Sites Form
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Land to the north of Keysoe Village Hall, Kimbolton Road, Keysoe 0.41 ha
Private amenity land - Paddock
Agricultural Land
Community use (D2) – Keysoe Village Hall and associated land
Highway with residential properties
Agricultural land
10 - 12 Dwellings
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30 dwellings / ha
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The access point will utilise the existing access point on to Kimbolton Road. This is a 30 m.p.h speed limit section. Adequate width and visibility splays can be achieved to serve a residential development. The access is shown on the site location plan.
X dwellings
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The site is within a rural location which can help meet local housing need. However, residential development would seek to adopt the code Sustainable Homes which is a set of environmental standards that new houses would have to meet. This would include energy efficiency, waste, materials used in construction, water use. Given that it is not in a highly sustainable location it would be proposed to promote the use of electric cars by ensuring each dwelling provided an electric charging point. In terms of green infrastructure and bio-diversity, development of the site would seek to have a net gain in biodiversity and this would be evidenced through the use of an agreed bio-diversity accounting matric. Also the development would seek to achieve a target of 25% tree canopy cover which would include tree planting but could also include the use of green walls and roofs.
The site is located west of Kimbolton Road in Keysoe Village approximately 9.5 miles north of Bedford town centre. The proposed access point is located on Kimbolton Road. This is a 30 m.p.h speed limit section. The development would not cause significant traffic problems on Kimbolton Road or at the junction Kimbolton Road/Keysoe Row East. The nearest bus stop is located 170m south of the junction with Keysoe Row East. There is no footway along the frontage of the site, but there is on the other side of Kimbolton Road, though this is very narrow. There are no formal cycleways serving the site, cycling is only possible by using the road surface. At least a 2m footway would be required either outside the site by converting the existing verge to a footway along Kimbolton Road to link with the junction of Keysoe Road West. Consider marking on-street cycle lanes.
no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.