Call for Sites Form
Cross Weir Farm, Chapel Lane, Souldrop, MK44 1HB
Mixture of B8 and B1 open and enclosed commercial storage and office units.
Agricultural land
Agricultural land
Chapel Lane
Agricultural land
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Access is via a dedicated access drive/road from Chapel Lane, located on the eastern edge of the site.
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The site is presently in commercial use (mixed B8 storage) and lies within the settlement policy area which has been defined by the planning permissions granted on the land. Development of the site for residential purposes would reflect the dominant, surrounding land-use and would create a more sympathetic edge to the village as well as contributing to meeting housing requirements in the Borough. A development scheme can be advanced that would provide for a mix of dwelling types together with greenspace and landscaping in accord with Plan requirements and would create a sustainable development form
The site is located on the west side of Chapel Lane in the village of Souldrop approximately 10 miles north of Bedford town centre. The access point is feasible via Chapel Lane, which is a 3.5m wide road and likely not sufficient for handling additional traffic without new passing places. The closest bus stop is 450m west of the site. There are no footways outside of the site and cycling is possible only on-road. Given the residential properties on either side of Chapel Lane and the absence of verges, there is likely no possibility to increase the road width, which would be required for vehicle passing points and footways. Improved bus transport service would improve connections in the village of Souldrop, passing places and footway implementation hould be investigated on Chapel Lane.
whole of cross weir farm adjacent to residential no noise concerns
The site has been excluded from further assessment at Stage 1 because its location is not in accordance with the development strategy.